No marriage is perfect. But every marriage can get better.
In No More Perfect Marriages, Mark and Jill speak honestly about their struggles, how they came back from betrayal, and the principles keeping their marriage strong today. They guide you in everything you need to know to kick the Perfection Infection right out and return to intimacy.
In their warm, honest, personable style, Jill and Mark discuss:
→How the Perfection Infection invades a marriage–even a good marriage
→How to detect and correct the Seven Slow Fades
→How to set and communicate realistic expectations
→What to do if your spouse just won’t change
→How to guard your marriage from the Perfection Infection for good
Hurting marriages can heal, and good marriages can become great. It takes work, yes, but No More Perfect Marriages will give you the insights, language, and roadmap you need for the journey. So start today.
From Betrayal to Bonding
Mark and I had the opportunity to bring hope and help on the Pure Sex Podcast in this episode they titled From Betrayal to Bonding. We hope this brings you help and hope as well!
Thinking About Leaving Your Marriage After the Holidays? | #MarriageMonday
"I don’t know how this could ever work. I just don’t feel like my spouse and I love each other like we used to. This is too hard, and our children will be better off if we separate." If you’ve had these kind of thoughts, you aren’t alone—especially if they're hitting...
Your Guide to Attachment Styles | #MarriageMonday
Did you know that your attachment style will determine how you form relationships, interact with others, and respond to conflict? We talk about attachment styles often because it was the number one thing that helped us understand how we relate to one another within...
6 Disarming Phrases to Disagree Well | #MarriageMonday
Jill: Disagreements are bound to come up in any relationship, but they can lead to even bigger arguments as you merge your life with another person in marriage. Mark and I are no different! We’ve had disagreements over how to remodel our kitchen, how the dishes go...
30 Conversation Starters for Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday
Jill: When was the last time you and your spouse talked? I mean really talked. Not about the kids’ grades, your family schedule, or who’s taking the kids to basketball practices. True, connecting conversations that include listening to one another’s dreams and hopes,...
Affair Recovery–You Can Come Out Stronger!
Infidelity: it's not something we ever thought would be part of our story, but it happened to us. And we healed. Now God is allowing us to bring hope and help to those who are walking a similar journey. If you're here because the bottom has just dropped out of your...
Healthy Relationship Rhythms for Your Marriage with Chris and Jenni Graebe | Episode 231
Have you ever felt out of sync with your spouse? Some days it can feel like you are on two different planets and you just can’t seem to get on the same page. Our guests for this episode can relate! They are the authors of The Rhythm of Us and co-hosts of a podcast by...
How to Have Fun Together in Your Marriage | Episode 230
Are you struggling with connection in your marriage? Has it been ages since you and your spouse laughed together? We get it. Life gets busy when you are constantly managing to-do lists, work, taking your kids from one place to another, and more. When your schedule is...
Behind the Scenes in 2024 | Episode 228
Welcome to the last episode of the No More Perfect Podcast for 2024! At the end of each year, we like to take a moment to look back at everything that happened during the last 12 months and look ahead at all the opportunities the upcoming year holds. We’ve been...
Conflict Can Help Connection with Dana Che Williams | Episode 223
When was your last conflict? Whether it was a spat with your spouse or a clash with a close friend, odds are it felt pretty intense. Most likely, it made you feel disconnected from a person you really care about. Most of us don't think of conflict as a way of...
ONE Extraordinary Marriage with Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo | Episode 220
Have you ever felt more like roommates than husband and wife? Most couples go into marriage with forever in mind, but then life happens. There are times when you may find yourself clashing with your spouse, and instead of growing closer together, you are being driven...
BONUS: Why Marriage Should Be 70/30, Not 50/50
It's been a while since we had a bonus episode of the podcast! These are shorter episodes full of bite-sized encouragement and support that you can apply to your life today. In this episode, we are talking about marriage. Now you may have heard that marriage is 50/50,...
Courses & Classes
Having a coach is like having a personal trainer. Instead of working on body goals, you’ll set and meet life or career goals. If you feel overwhelmed with life, marriage, building a platform, speaking, or writing, Jill knows the path and she can guide you to success!