No marriage is perfect. But every marriage can get better.
In No More Perfect Marriages, Mark and Jill speak honestly about their struggles, how they came back from betrayal, and the principles keeping their marriage strong today. They guide you in everything you need to know to kick the Perfection Infection right out and return to intimacy.
In their warm, honest, personable style, Jill and Mark discuss:
→How the Perfection Infection invades a marriage–even a good marriage
→How to detect and correct the Seven Slow Fades
→How to set and communicate realistic expectations
→What to do if your spouse just won’t change
→How to guard your marriage from the Perfection Infection for good
Hurting marriages can heal, and good marriages can become great. It takes work, yes, but No More Perfect Marriages will give you the insights, language, and roadmap you need for the journey. So start today.

Infidelity in Marriage: Risk Factors, Red Flags, and Recovery
My husband, Mark, and I have been married for 38 years now. In our nearly four decades together, we've made many beautiful memories and witnessed God do amazing things. We’ve ministered in churches across the U.S. (including the one Mark pastored for 20 years.) We’ve...
13 Books for Every Season of Life in Marriage and Parenting
Life is an adventure, isn’t it? (That's definitely an understatement!) At some point or another, we all need some support through the highs and lows of what the journey of life includes. Sometimes you find yourself in circumstances you never expected. Your marriage...
The Friend Who Understands: Encouragement For a Spouse Who Has Been Betrayed | #MarriageMonday
For this #MarriageMonday, I am sharing an adapted excerpt from my book My Heart is Broken: Your Next Steps for When Your Spouse is Unfaithful. When we are betrayed in our marriage, or when any hard things happen in our life, what can we hold on to for stability? “I’m...
5 Signs Your Spouse Isn’t Ready to Reengage In Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday
“I’m leaving. I have no intention of returning. I’m pursuing the other relationship and I want a divorce.” Jill: The hardest day of my life was when I heard those words. My husband walked out of the house and my whole life turned upside down. Mark: When I uttered...
7 Negative Actions That Can Hurt Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday
Mark: When Jill and I look back at what contributed to the dark season in our marriage, we found that it wasn’t the big things that made a difference. It was actually the little things that simmered under the surface. These things began an unraveling that gained...
4 Tips to Increase Connection and Let Go of Resentment | #MarriageMonday
Mark: I didn’t realize coming into marriage how much idealism and unrealistic expectations drove my everyday thinking and perspective. When my expectations weren’t met, my "slow fade of unrealistic expectations" led to disappointment and discouragement. For years I...
ONE Extraordinary Marriage with Tony & Alisa DiLorenzo | Episode 220
Have you ever felt more like roommates than husband and wife? Most couples go into marriage with forever in mind, but then life happens. There are times when you may find yourself clashing with your spouse, and instead of growing closer together, you are being driven...
BONUS: Why Marriage Should Be 70/30, Not 50/50
It's been a while since we had a bonus episode of the podcast! These are shorter episodes full of bite-sized encouragement and support that you can apply to your life today. In this episode, we are talking about marriage. Now you may have heard that marriage is 50/50,...
Standing Up When Life Knocks You Down with Courtney Joseph Fallick | Episode 217
Life is full of ups and downs. Each one of us will experience difficult seasons in life. During my darkest and most difficult season, one of the things I learned to say is “It is not well with my circumstances, but I want to make sure it is well with my soul.” My...
Attachment Styles in Marriage with Reese & VaLisa Palmer | Episode 216
Our topic in this episode is SO IMPORTANT! Mark and I are joined by Reese and VaLisa Palmer, fellow workers in the sphere of marriage coaching and strengthening. Reese is a clinical psychotherapist specializing in marriage and family therapy (LMFT). VaLisa is a...
Improving Sexual Intimacy in Marriage | Episode 215
Note for the Listener: As you can probably guess from the title, we talk candidly about sexual intimacy in this episode. We recommend listening to it away from young ears if you have children at home. You may have heard us mention our Date Night Community. Well, we...
Managing Intrusive Thoughts, Triggers, and Reminders with Leslie Hardie | Episode 214
Can you remember your first breakup? Even if you parted ways amicably, you likely questioned if you were good enough, if you made the right choice, or even criticized yourself for not doing enough to try to make it work. When we journey through breakups, infidelity,...
Courses & Classes

Having a coach is like having a personal trainer. Instead of working on body goals, you’ll set and meet life or career goals. If you feel overwhelmed with life, marriage, building a platform, speaking, or writing, Jill knows the path and she can guide you to success!