It all started with a picture and comment my friend and coworker, Connie, put on Facebook. I like my little Living With Less So Your Family Has More car, but honestly I get razzed about it all the time. “What CEO drives a 23 year old car?” I’ve been...
Sex…I could go the rest of my life without it!” I said to my husband, Mark, as we drove up to the bed-and-breakfast we had reserved for a two-day getaway. “I have no desire. I’m so tired, and I can’t seem to ever meet your needs!”...
Today’s guest post is by Bill and Pam Farrel, the authors of 10 Questions Kids Ask About Sex. ************************************************ Ever feel a lump in your throat when your child asks, “Where do babies come from?” or your tween or teen have numerous...
Today’s Marriage Monday is brought to you by Milan and Kay Yerkovich. The Yerkovich’s book How We Love has been a complete game-changer in our marriage over the past year. It’s also changed how we parent and tune into our kids’ emotional...
Mark and I have always believed that teaching our kids money management strategies needs to be a priority. When they were small, we gave them one dollar a week for allowance…in dimes. Then we had them manage their money with the 10-10-80 principle. 10% to God,...
Pay for chores? Not pay for chores? Ah the debate. Over 27 years of parenting, we’ve been all over the map on this issue. We’ve done allowance, we’ve done no allowance. We have tied allowance to chores. We’ve separated allowance from chores....
For some time, people have been telling our son how much he looks like Justin Bieber. We definitely saw the similarity and kept telling Austin that he needed to find a look-a-like job and make some money. Last summer, we were visiting our son and his wife who live in...
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