Your Free Guide Is on Its Way!

We’ve just sent your Empty Nest Full Life Journal to your inbox—be sure to check your email!

As you begin your journey of reflection with the journal, we’d love to invite you to take the next step toward fully embracing this new chapter of life.

Join Us & Get Ready to Love Your Empty Nest With…

A 4-Part Course to Help Your Kids Enter Adulthood Successfully without You Being Gutted by Grief

From the moment the stick turns blue or the adoption papers are signed, you become a mom.


Your job is to keep track of them, make sure they get enough nutrients and enough sleep.

You take care of their emotional needs, their medical needs, and their physical needs.

Beyond that, you help them learn what they need to learn, make new friends, overcome hard things, grow in their own beliefs, reach for their dreams, and so much more.

The Modules Guide You Through the Empty Nest Journey