Raising a daughter in today’s social-media-oriented, crazy world can be challenging! As our daughters grow up, we actually have some growing to do, too. What does it look like for us to really love our daughters well? How can we mature in an effort to remain an...
I’ve always had a passion for helping parents do the best they can! The teen years are particularly difficult, which is why Pam Farrel and I wrote Got Teens? Time Tested Answers for Moms of Teens and Tweens and why Dr. Kathy Koch and I wrote No More Perfect Kids...
Thank you to everyone who shared how they take care of themselves on last Thursday’s post. If you need ideas on how to take care of yourself while you’re caring for your family, you can read all the great ideas HERE! The winner of the drawing from...
Did you know there are six words no parent should ever say? These six words—when put together—can almost always make a liar out of you. Want to know what these words are?My-child-would-never-do-that.These words will always come back to haunt any parent who ignorantly...
When my kids were little we used chore charts with stars to motivate and hold our kids accountable to carry out their home responsibilities.As they’ve grown older, we found the need for a new strategy. And with our two teens at home, we’ve found that...
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