We once heard the statement that the couple that prays together, stays together.  Indeed, that can make a difference in a couple’s level of emotional and spiritual intimacy.  Today’s Marriage Monday is about the value of praying together.

Mark says…
I didn’t become a Christian until I was 21 years old.  The concept of praying with someone else was a pretty foreign concept to me.

Jill says…
I did grow up in the church and was familiar with praying at church, but praying with someone one on one was a completely new experience for me.

Mark says…
When Jill and I started praying together, we found that it was much easier to do so in bed at night in the dark.  One of us would reach over to hold hands and say, “Wanna pray?”  I’ll admit it was quite awkward in the beginning because it was new for both of us.  But one of the things we’ve learned is that you have to push through awkward to create a new normal.  And we wanted praying together to eventually be normal for us.

Jill says…
Over time, praying in any setting began to feel normal.  Sometimes we pray together for wisdom to know how to handle a parenting situation, sometimes we pray for direction for finances.  At night we often pray for each of our kids, our daughter-in-law, two son-in-laws, and now our granddaughter. 

Mark says…
If praying together is an overwhelming thought to you, but you’re willing to try something new that will head you in that direction, start this: Every time you are near each other and prayer is a part of what you are doing, grab hands with your spouse to pray silently together.  This can work while sitting in church, when praying at the dinner table, or if you’re part of a small group in your church.  Just reach over and grab hands anytime someone says, “Let’s pray.”

Jill says…
It’s a great way to start something new that can eventually lead to a new normal.  And when you are able to pray together, it knits your hearts together in a new way.

What about you?  How has prayer been a part of your marriage?  Do you have any suggestions that could help other couples learn to pray together?

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