
to No More Perfect Marriages

There’s hope and help!


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No marriage is perfect. But every marriage can get better.

In No More Perfect Marriages, Mark and Jill speak honestly about their struggles, how they came back from betrayal, and the principles keeping their marriage strong today. They guide you in everything you need to know to kick the Perfection Infection right out and return to intimacy.

In their warm, honest, personable style, Jill and Mark discuss:

→How the Perfection Infection invades a marriage–even a good marriage

→How to detect and correct the Seven Slow Fades

→How to set and communicate realistic expectations

→What to do if your spouse just won’t change

→How to guard your marriage from the Perfection Infection for good

Hurting marriages can heal, and good marriages can become great. It takes work, yes, but No More Perfect Marriages will give you the insights, language, and roadmap you need for the journey. So start today.

No More Perfect Marriages Cover
Is There Really Sex After Kids? Cover

Is There Really Sex After Kids?

My Heart is Broken Book by Jill Savage

My Heart is Broken

I Really Messed Up Book by Mark Savage

I Really Messed Up

Articles Icon ARTICLEs

30 Conversation Starters for Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday

30 Conversation Starters for Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday

Jill: When was the last time you and your spouse talked? I mean really talked. Not about the kids’ grades, your family schedule, or who’s taking the kids to basketball practices. True, connecting conversations that include listening to one another’s dreams and hopes,...

How to Have a Weekly Marriage Meeting | #MarriageMonday

How to Have a Weekly Marriage Meeting | #MarriageMonday

Jill: Each and every week, you’ll find us on a Sunday afternoon sitting around our kitchen table together. This is a special time we set aside to make sure we are on the same page when it comes to our marriage, our calendar, and important tasks. (I shared about it...

How Childhood Impacts Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday

How Childhood Impacts Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday

Jill: What we learn from childhood can stick with us even up to our adulthood and affect how we behave in marriage. In our formative years, we develop our belief system, our view of the world, and the means by which we cope in times of stress. Mark: As we meet with...

10 Ways to Connect With Your Spouse This Summer | #MarriageMonday

10 Ways to Connect With Your Spouse This Summer | #MarriageMonday

Jill: Can you believe that summer is here? The days are getting longer and hotter, and our summer calendar is already starting to fill up with baseball games, pool parties for the grandkids, and projects around our 100-year-old farmhouse. Mark: Despite a busy...

Affair Recovery–You Can Come Out Stronger!

Affair Recovery–You Can Come Out Stronger!

Infidelity: it's not something we ever thought would be part of our story, but it happened to us. And we healed. Now God is allowing us to bring hope and help to those who are walking a similar journey. If you're here because the bottom has just dropped out of your...

Podcast IconPodcast

Teaching Your Children Diligently with Leslie Nunnery | Episode 2##

Teaching Your Children Diligently with Leslie Nunnery | Episode 2##

You may not know that we homeschooled our children for a season of time. While homeschooling may not be for everyone or for every season of life, there are benefits to parenting and disciplining a child’s heart with intentionality and purpose. I can think of no one...

Teaching Your Children Diligently with Leslie Nunnery | Episode 2##

Red-Hot Monogamy with Bill & Pam Farrel | Episode 213

Buckle up, this is the episode where we are covering all things sex! You may feel embarrassed to talk about sex candidly or you may even feel like sex is still a dirty word from your childhood. However, you may be surprised to learn that there are very few “do nots”...

The Essentials of Affair Recovery | Episode 141

The Essentials of Affair Recovery | Episode 141

Our marriage went off the tracks in 2011, when Mark was in a full-on midlife crisis, affair included. It would take us two years to move from being on the verge of divorce to a healed and improved Mark & Jill 2.0. I wouldn’t wish anyone to go through infidelity;...

The Elements of Transformation | Episode 197

The Elements of Transformation | Episode 197

Mark is back with me on the podcast today to help answer a question we hear often: “What makes the difference in people who are able to overcome difficult things?" This could be in regard to marriages that are restored or lives that experience growth and...

The Power of Our Words | Episode 191

The Power of Our Words | Episode 191

I’m happy to have my husband join me for this episode! It’s been a little while since Mark and I shared a conversation on the podcast, and today we’re talking about the power of our words. If we fully realized just how dangerous careless words can be, we might take...

Courses IconCourses & Classes


Having a coach is like having a personal trainer. Instead of working on body goals, you’ll set and meet life or career goals. If you feel overwhelmed with life, marriage, building a platform, speaking, or writing, Jill knows the path and she can guide you to success!

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Discover the 6 Practical Steps to Rebuilding Trust

No matter how trust has been broken, it’s possible to rebuild it and to even have a better marriage than before! This short guide gets you started in the right direction.

Rebuilding Trust Guide