Life is an adventure, isn’t it? (That’s definitely an understatement!)

At some point or another, we all need some support through the highs and lows of what the journey of life includes.

Sometimes you find yourself in circumstances you never expected. Your marriage may be hanging on by a thread, or you just find it more frustrating than you expected it to be. Parenting may feel incredibly confusing as you seek to understand who your kids are (and how different they are from you). Your life may feel like it’s in a spiral after infidelity. You may be figuring out what this new season of life looks like as you launch adult children. And the list goes on.

We have been right where you are.

Today I want to walk you through our library of 13 books, covering the season of life each of them are perfect for. You don’t have to read the whole thing; just scroll through and see if any of these seasons of life described in the headings stick out to you!

For the mom who feels like she doesn’t measure up…

What if you could love your family well through the ups and downs… even when it feels like a circus? 

How would it feel to swap your impossible expectations for ones that actually make sense, and manage the chaos of daily life with a little more inner peace? 

Sound like a dream? It’s totally possible, and this book is your roadmap.

From navigating the comparison trap to finding beauty in imperfection, No More Perfect Moms is all about embracing your authentic self and your real-life journey. It’s like a friendly chat with your friend who understands, sprinkled with insights and encouragement to help you ditch the guilt. 

I share some of my own parental shortcomings to help moms everywhere release the pressure for perfection. Learn how you can find freedom from disappointment when you embrace your real family, your real challenges, and your real, imperfect life!  

For the parent who feels like they can’t get it right…

In No More Perfect Kids, I team up with Dr. Kathy Koch to remind parents that our kids are made in God’s image, not ours.

With humor and wisdom, we’re on a mission to help you appreciate and embrace your children for who they are. We emphasize the importance of getting to know each child individually, rather than imposing expectations on them.

Our advice? Let’s ditch the “Perfection Infection” in parenting, learn to celebrate our kids’ unique qualities, and free them from unrealistic standards. By doing so, we’ll give them the space to thrive as the individuals they were meant to be. Written in a candid and personal way, this book will build hope and contentment within you as you gain parenting inspiration.

For the individual or couple who wants to deepen the connection in their marriage…

No More Perfect Marriages Cover

If you’re sensing a loss of connection, a critical atmosphere in your marriage, or that your closeness is hindered by something, you might be dealing with the Perfection Infection. This occurs when we develop unrealistic expectations of ourselves and our partner, which slowly erodes intimacy through behaviors known as the Seven Slow Fades. 

In No More Perfect Marriages, Mark and I share our journey and provide a roadmap to strengthen your relationship. We talk about how to deal with the Seven Slow Fades, set and communicate realistic expectations, and safeguard your marriage from the Perfection Infection – for good. We even tackle what to do if your partner seems stuck in their ways. 

Hurting marriages can heal, and good marriages can become great. It’s worth every effort you make. No More Perfect Marriages will give you the insights, language, and encouragement you need for the journey!

For the mom who’s feeling alone…

Better Together Book by Jill Savage

Are you trying to do this mothering thing alone? Feeling isolated at times? So focused on the kids that you’re wearing yourself out? In Better Together: Because You’re Not Meant to Mom Alone, my daughter Anne and I present a compelling vision of motherhood as a group effort. You’ll increase your joy as you discover you are truly a better mom when you don’t mom alone. Anne and I share ideas for how to:

  • Increase your confidence in social settings when you stop the comparison game.
  • Strengthen trust when you drop your friendship baggage and forge new relationships with a new mindset.
  • Combat isolation when you find or build a mothering community for mutual support
  • And much more!

Let’s not make mothering harder than it has to be. Dive into this storehouse of creative ideas for how to make mothering easier, richer, and more fun than you ever thought possible.

For the mom who wants to know the Friend who understands…

real moms real jesus book cover

What does Jesus know about the peanut-butter-and-jelly life of a mom? Plenty! 

In this encouraging book about the life of Jesus, I help moms encounter the Friend and Savior who understands our struggles: never getting time alone, lack of sleep, betrayal, constantly being needed, disappointment. 

In chapters that examine key behaviors and decisions Jesus made during His life on earth, I bring those lessons right down to the laundry-filled, sticky-fingered days every mother knows. 

Be encouraged! Jesus is not an unattainable deity who stays distant and critical. He’s a Friend who sees, understands, and never leaves your side.

Grab your copy here!

For the mom who needs fresh vision for why she does what she does…

My Heart's At Home Cover

Mom, your role in your home is incredibly important…and incredibly complicated! I share from my own experiences and from conversations with other moms, to affirm your home as a:

  • Safe place for the family to grow and blossom
  • Research lab for exploration of interests and talents
  • Church where prayer and love guide the family
  • Trauma unit to care for the bumps and bruises of life
  • Rest area for refreshment and renewal

Practical ideas, grace for mistakes, and spiritual insights fill the pages of My Heart’s at Home. You’ll find new inspiration to validate the irreplaceable role you have in creating a love-filled, emotionally safe home for your people! 

For the mom who feels like she’ll scream if one more person touches her…

Is There Really Sex After Kids? Book by Jill Savage

When you’ve got little ones running around, let’s just say, transitioning from parent duties to bedroom time definitely has its share of obstacles! 

Speaking from my experience as a wife, mother, conference leader and marriage coach, I offer a warm-hearted, woman-to-woman discussion—a true insider’s look at what works to build intimacy outside the bedroom and improve intimacy inside the bedroom.

Practical, humorous, and heartfelt, this book gives you proven ways to restore the connection, spontaneity, fun, and yes, the passion in your marriage!

Grab your copy of Is There Really Sex After Kids? here!

For the mom or the couple who needs to do what’s right for their family…

Living With Less Book by Mark and Jill Savage

In a society of “bigger is better,” Mark and I are countercultural in believing that living with less materially allows you to provide more for your family emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. Whether your goal is reducing stress, allowing one parent to stay home full-time, or simply having more time for your family, Living With Less So Your Family Has More helps you investing in what truly counts, like:

  • Mapping out your family’s big-picture goals for the long haul.
  • Identifying the attitudes and actions to live your vision out
  • Making small and big changes, whether that’s organizing coupons effectively or downsizing to a smaller home.

Mark and I lived the “less-is-more life” for over twenty years. This book will give you an honest, straightforward approach on prioritizing the things that really matter!

For the one who has broken trust with their spouse…

I Really Messed Up Book by Mark Savage

My husband, Mark, found himself in the middle of a mess. One that he created. After twenty years of full-time ministry, Mark had launched his own construction business. His outer world was expanding, but his inner world was crumbling. Another relationship seemed like the answer to his problems… until it wasn’t.

When he recommitted to his marriage, that’s when the work of healing really began. 

This faith-based guide offers insights to navigate rebuilding your marriage in the aftermath of infidelity. It provides guidance on healing your spouse’s heart and rebuilding trust. You’ll learn strategies for maintaining accountability without feeling policed. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of reassuring your partner during moments of fear and staying emotionally grounded throughout the healing process. 

It’s a quick read, but it’s packed with hope and support! If you’re seeking restoration after being unfaithful in your marriage, this book is for you.

Order your copy here.

For the one whose heart has been broken by their spouse…

My Heart is Broken Book by Jill Savage

I know how it feels when an unfaithful spouse breaks your heart. My Heart Is Broken holds out a beacon of hope and assistance to those grappling with marital betrayal.

Through the lens of faith, I offer insight that empowers you to find solace amidst your turmoil, grasp the complexities of forgiveness, and use your pain to propel you on a path of growth and healing. You’ll gain tools to see your spouse in a way that allows healing to happen, and be reminded that you’re never alone. 

My marriage endured a four-month separation, then a long rebuilding process. By sharing my own experiences and insights, I extend a compassionate hand to others navigating similar challenges. If you’re looking for support, this short, readable book will give you the wisdom and encouragement you need to find peace, even in the chaotic mess of betrayal. 

For the mom who is launching or has launched her kids…

Empty Nest Full Life Book Cover

IT’S HAPPENING! You weren’t always sure you’d get here, but the kids grew up! 

So, what now?! 

If you’re like most moms, you’re caught between grief and delight. You feel full of questions, loose ends, hopes, and regrets. 

The changes are coming fast, but don’t worry! You’re not alone. In this book, you’ll get my hard-earned, empty-nest-veteran wisdom to guide you! You’ll find:

  • What you need to let go of and what to hold tight
  • Ideas for thriving when you don’t know “What’s next?” in this new season
  • Your official invitation to the “keep it shut” club
  • And much more!

Empty nesting can be a disorienting time, but it can also be the best time of your life. Grab a copy of Empty Nest, Full Life to help embrace your new role and make this season your richest one yet!

For the mom who has teens or tweens…

Got Teens Book by Jill Savage

In the rollercoaster ride that is this stage of parenting, Got Teens? gives you two experienced moms sitting next to you! Pam Farrel and I teamed up to create a book with practical advice and emotional support for every aspect of the journey.

From paying for gas (or not!?), to understanding the reasons behind behavior issues, to tackling the mysteries of the guy-girl dynamic, we cover it all.

But it’s not just about surviving – it’s about thriving. You’ll learn how to guide your teen through tough times, equip them with essential life skills, and nurture their spiritual growth. Plus, there are handy tools like mom group guides and relationship contracts to help you along the way.

So if you’re a mom with kids aged 12 to 22, Got Teens? might just become your new go-to guidebook for navigating these challenging but rewarding years.

For the stay-at-home mom who needs fresh perspective…

Professionalizing Motherhood Cover

Tired of feeling like ‘just a mom’? This book is all about recognizing that motherhood isn’t just some side gig—it’s a full-blown career where you get to showcase your talents and strengths like never before. 

I help you look past the surface of mothering—the endless tasks and frantic pace—to the incredible skills required to raise your children while nurturing your marriage. The truth is clear: You’re a professional in one of the most dignified, demanding, and rewarding fields any woman can find. Professionalizing Motherhood will give you a meaningful vision for mothering as a worthy career choice in this season of your life!

Order your copy here!


We hope you find something in this list that will give you a boost of encouragement or a fresh perspective! No matter what’s happening in your life right now, just know that you’ve got company. We are all about sharing the lessons we’ve picked up along the way, hoping to give you tools in your toolbox for life’s journey. 

Keep going, you’ve got this!

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