
to No More Perfect Motherhood

You’re Doing a Great Job!


Books Icon Books


Jill Savage, an empty-nest veteran, offers you:

 WISDOM for the murky waters ahead. Teaching you what you need to let go of and hold on to

 ENCOURAGEMENT for when you’re feeling confused and discouraged. Full of stories and new insights, you’ll find your spirits lifted and hope renewed.

 IDEAS for when you don’t know “What’s next?” Jill offers loads of practical ideas for coping and thriving in this encore season.

Empty Nest Full Life Book Cover
No More Perfect Moms Cover

No More Perfect Moms

No More Perfect Marriages Cover

No More Perfect Marriages

No More Perfect Kids Cover

No More Perfect Kids

Better Together Cover

Better Together

Is There Really Sex After Kids? Cover

Is There Really Sex After Kids?

Real Moms Real Jesus Book Cover

Real Moms
Real Jesus

Articles Icon ARTICLEs

How to Resist the Perfection Infection in Your Marriage & Parenting

How to Resist the Perfection Infection in Your Marriage & Parenting

The “Perfection Infection” is a phrase I coined years ago when I wrote No More Perfect Moms. Like most women, I had entered into motherhood wanting to be the perfect mom. Little did I know, my pursuit of perfection would set me up for failure. The Perfection Infection...

Your Ultimate Guide to Holidays as an Empty Nester

Your Ultimate Guide to Holidays as an Empty Nester

Your Thanksgiving feast is ready to go, every Christmas stocking has been hung with care, and you’re feeling ready for a festive holiday season. There’s just one thing missing—your adult children and their families! Do any of these conversations sound familiar to you?...

Using Our Emotions the Way God Intended

Using Our Emotions the Way God Intended

Emotions can be difficult to deal with depending on the circumstances you're facing and how you were taught to handle them growing up. You might be more of a “feeler” and often be overwhelmed as the waves of emotions crash over you. Or, you may be more of a “thinker”...

What is the Life 2.0 Foundation?

What is the Life 2.0 Foundation?

If you have followed our ministry for some time, you know that we have had many opportunities to support marriages through marriage coaching and intensives here in the United States and have recently had incredible opportunities to meet relational and physical needs...

10 Tips for Launching Your Adult Children

10 Tips for Launching Your Adult Children

As our kids launch into adulthood and start taking control over their own life decisions, it can be tempting to “open the wisdom floodgates” and try to cram for their entrance into the adult world. We start thinking of all the things we haven’t taught them yet. Are...

Podcast IconPodcast

Midlife Marriages | Episode 234

Midlife Marriages | Episode 234

What is a “Midlife Marriage”? It’s the season of life that begins after the whirlwind of kids’ soccer practices, dance recitals, and endless extracurriculars comes to an end—when the nest is empty, and it’s just you and your spouse, rediscovering life together. As...

The Empty Nest Christmas | Episode 226

The Empty Nest Christmas | Episode 226

Are you gearing up for your very first Empty Nest Christmas? Or perhaps you're a seasoned Empty Nester who is looking for fresh, new ideas that will help you make the most of this holiday season? When we experienced our first Christmas as Empty Nesters, it was...

Looking Forward Through Life Quakes with Tracie Miles | Episode 222

Looking Forward Through Life Quakes with Tracie Miles | Episode 222

Has your life been turned upside down? Are you walking through hardship? Do your future plans feel completely shaken up? If so, you may be in the midst of what I like to call a “life quake”. A life quake is what happens when our circumstances change drastically, and...

Aging Gratefully with Heather Creekmore | Episode 193

Aging Gratefully with Heather Creekmore | Episode 193

Are you frustrated with getting older? As women, it’s easy to feel discouraged as our lives and bodies change. That’s why I’m so grateful for our guest's wisdom today! Joining me for this conversation is Heather Creekmore, host of the internationally popular Compared...

How to Forgive Yourself | Episode 184

How to Forgive Yourself | Episode 184

We want to talk with you about a question Mark and I get asked often. People really struggle with finding an answer or finding resolve to this question: How do I forgive myself? Many times, they would say, I can’t, or I don’t even understand what I should do with...

Courses IconCourses & Classes


Having a coach is like having a personal trainer. Instead of working on body goals, you’ll set and meet life or career goals. If you feel overwhelmed with life, marriage, building a platform, speaking, or writing, Jill knows the path and she can guide you to success!

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College Packing List

Want to make sure your child has everything they need for college? Our FREE college packing list is exactly what you need!

College Packing List