We want to talk with you about a question Mark and I get asked often. People really struggle with finding an answer or finding resolve to this question: How do I forgive myself? Many times, they would say, I can’t, or I don’t even understand what I should do with that.
Sometimes, it can feel like you are “unforgivable,” and it would be better if you just locked those feelings away. When we choose not to address it, it can lead to bitterness, self-loathing, self-hatred, and more. Those feelings don’t stay locked away; they leak out all over the relationships that mean the most to you and can eat away at your soul.
If you’ve made a mistake or if you’ve really messed up, you have to walk through the steps of self-forgiveness, which is the topic of this episode.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- Your steps of self-forgiveness
- The power of God’s forgiveness
- What work you likely still have to do after forgiveness
- And more!
Join us for this important conversation!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
- [BOOK] I Really Messed Up: Your Next Steps to Heal Your Marriage After an Affair
- Silencing the Lies That Steal Your Confidence with Sharon Jaynes | Episode 179
- [BOOK] Enough: Silencing the Lies That Steal Your Confidence
- Released From Shame | Episode 39
- As a thank you for listening, get your 3 free eBooks.
My Key Takeaways:
1) It starts with acceptance. Take responsibility for what has occurred and your role in causing it to happen. You can’t side-step accepting the responsibility for the hurt you caused in the relationships around you. You need to have appropriate guilt for what you are responsible for, but not shame.
2) No mess is too big for God. He readily offers forgiveness even when we cannot forgive ourselves. 1 John 1:9 states that If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. We can forgive ourselves because we have been forgiven by our heavenly Father.
3) Embrace your identity in Christ. Your identity doesn’t come from your sin or your past but from Christ. There is often a lot of work we have to do to overcome our old way of thinking and shaming ourselves. This may involve strengthening your relationship with Christ, listening to podcasts, and reading books to help you embrace your true identity.
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How do I forgive myself for failing to protect my children for them to grow up and be adults? I don’t even know what I did to deserve this punishment. To have my children die before adulthood both failing to cross the age of 30 ? How do I move on in this life, how do I smile when I am a mother whose children just die?
I’m so very sorry for your loss Spelile. Our children’s lifespans are not our fault, but it does sound like you’re grief is very real. Your guilt is misplaced though. If you have the ability to work with a grief counselor or to even go to a grief support group, please do. Check out https://www.compassionatefriends.org/ as they may even have some groups online so you could attend no matter where you live.
Love your words of growth
So important!