photo 2As I sit here gazing at our Christmas tree with a section of lights burned out, I can’t help but smile at how our imperfect Christmas tree represents our imperfect lives.

Our imperfect lives are why Christmas exists.

Our tree has looked like this for over two weeks. Other responsibilities have had a higher priority than getting those lights fixed. Boy am I glad that’s not the way it is with God. We have been and always are his first priority.

He so longed for our broken relationship with Him to be fixed that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to this earth. Through Jesus, our relationship with God was restored.

treeUnderneath our tree is a wooden nativity set Mark made for our grandkids to play with. It seems only appropriate that the nativity sits under our imperfect tree. God’s plan to enter our imperfect world as fully God, yet fully man makes Him a personal God who understands our hurts, joys, pain, challenges, and everyday life experiences.

A perfect God enters an imperfect world to show His love for us.

In the midst of wrapping, baking, cleaning, and getting ready for your Christmas celebration, join me in worshipping our Savior who wasn’t afraid to enter our messy, imperfect world to redeem it for His purposes.

That’s what Christmas is all about.

Merry Christmas from my family to yours.

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