photography by Michael Gowin:

In the next few months, I’m speaking in several parts of the country: Colorado, Illinois, Texas and North Carolina!  If you’re close by I’d love for you to join the fun!

Oh…and some of you out there have asked about getting started as a writer or speaker.  Proverbs 31 Ministries has a wonderful conference designed to help launch writers and speakers.  It’s called “She Speaks” and I’m speaking at it this summer!  What you need to know is that the conference fills up pretty fast, so if this interests you to do this summer, you might want to move quickly. (See link below!)

Here’s where I’ll be in the next few months:

April 14, 2012
Mission Hills Church Women’s Event (also featuring Julie Barnhill and Tammy Maltby)

April 20, 2012
Kenney Christian Church Women’s Event

photography by Michael Gowin:

April 29, 2012
Morton Christian Church Women’s Event

May 6, 2012 (Women’s Event)
May 7, 2012 (Moms Group)
Champion Forest Baptist Church
Call Kelly Watts at 832-422-3577 for info on both events

July 20-22, 2012
She Speaks Conference
She Speaks Speaker

If you’re going to be hanging with me at any of these events…let me know! If you have a friend in any of these areas, let her know!

Oh, and if your church is looking for a speaker at their next women’s event, my calendar starts to fill up quickly this time of the year for next year.  You can submit a speaking inquiry here!

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