Wow! I have loved our week of sharing recipes! I’ve tried several of them already and so far the Bar B Q cups have been a huge hit in our family. Thanks Jess!

If you receive my posts via email, you’ll have to go directly to my website to see all the recipes that were left using Mr. Linky. This will also introduce you to some other wonderful bloggers! If you haven’t read through the comments on last weeks blogs then you’ve also missed out even more recipes that were shared. Most comments were on the initial post.

I put the names of everyone who shared a recipe either by Mr. Linky or by comment in a hat and drew 3 names. The winners of this contest are…

Amy–Italian Beef Sandwiches

Wani–Mexican X 2

Jess–Bar B Q cups

If each of you will email me at [email protected] and let me know your mailing address, I’ll send out your cookbooks!

Thank you to everyone for being a part of this online moms group! My family is thrilled to have mom trying new recipes!

Oh, and I invite you to hop on over to Where Families Connect to catch an interview that they are featuring about My Hearts at Home today!

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