Today has been a day of remembering. You see it was 25 years ago today that Mark and I promised to love and cherish until death do us part.

As I think back to that day (and as our older children are venturing into married life), I think about all that I didn’t know…

…I had no idea how selfish I was. Marriage showed me the reality of my self-centeredness.

…I had no idea how hard marriage would be. It’s alot more work than most of us think.

…I had no idea that it would require 100% on my part. I thought it was a 50-50 deal. Not so. It’s 100-100 that makes for a healthy marriage.

…I had no idea that love was more than a feeling. Truth is–love is a choice. The feeling comes and goes.

…I had no idea that we would need to date after we were married. I thought dating was for “before marriage.” A healthy marriage needs intentional time for communication, fun, and recreation. Dating has to continue after “I do.”

…I had no idea that we’d ever need to visit a marriage counselor. But we have several times throughout the years. We’ve learned that there is no shame in asking for help to make your marriage go the distance.

…I had no idea that I could love my husband more today than I did 25 years ago. But I do. It’s a different kind of love. The infatuation has been replaced by intimacy. The feeling has been replaced by commitment. And the love is stronger because of all that we’ve been through and all that we’ve shared.

Happy Anniversary, Mark.

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