I recently heard a commentator say that scientists have determined that this may be one of the first generations of kids who may not have the same life expectancy as their parents.
Why? Because of a sedentary lifestyle topped off with a fast-food diet.
I don’t know about you, but that certainly motivates me to get my kids up and moving and make sure we eat healthy meals around the dinner table!
The concept of living with less is not just about living with less money. It’s also about living with less stress and less activities that pull us away from home and family.
Mark’s job transition in January did just that for us. It certainly took away about 75% of what we were accustomed to making financially, but it also cut the stress level by the same percentage! Wow! What a difference! I’ve told Mark well over a dozen times, “I have my husband back and I love it.”
Culture says “sign the kids up for every sport available.” Living with less counter-culturally says, “let’s just choose one sport each season.”
Culture says, “give your kids every opportunity available.” Living with less counter-culturally says, “give your kids the opportunity to play in the back yard and to be bored on occasion.”
Culture says, “climb the corporate ladder and work overtime when it’s available.” Living with less counter-culturally says, “being available for my family is more important than bringing home some extra money.”
Can you think of other messages culture sends and the counter-cultural response we can commit to?
Thanks Jill!
I am really LOVING your book…am about halfway through it now…If I could slow down a little more, I could finish it!
My husband is considering transitioning from a really WELL paying job, to being his own boss and starting his own business, using the talents that God has given him. This is exciting at times, and scary at others! We seem to be going between the two spots…knowing that he would be happier, yet not wanting to go to that scary place of not having a consistent paycheck, or having to give up alot of our "comforts." There are some definite goals we need to reach first, just to be smart about the transition..insurance, money in savings, etc, but that change of heart and going against society is a tough one..as well as giving up things and not having a bad attitude about giving them up. I am hoping he will read your book when I am finished. I have shared alot of what is in it with him already. Thanks for the encouragement, and for sharing your ups and downs here everyday…it makes the transition seem easier when you know people out there are doing the same thing and are HAPPY!
Boy, do I agree with the slowing down and living with less!! Every child we know is in at least 3 activities. Especially when summer comes, everyone signs up for every camp and activity there is!
I give music lessons and constantly hear "I didn't practice because I wasn't home or didn't have any time!"
We try to live as you say, with the kids playing in the yard and sometimes being bored. Sometimes I feel we are the only ones. I can already see the good though, from living at a little slower pace!
Have a good day!
Culture says "Buy your kids every electronic device known to man."
Living with less says "Let them use their imaginations and build a pirate ship out of couch cushions."
Tami-let go and trust God, or He may do it for you 😉 My husband unexpectedly lost his job in June, we got our last paycheck last Friday, and we are currently without health insurance (yes we have the option to COBRA, but who can afford it?). We we assuming God had another full-time music teaching position for my husband. And He still might, that isn't the direction we feel things are going. I am a stay-at-home mom, and though I have a teaching certificate, I refuse to go back when our boys are only 5 and 2.
My husband is sooooo excited to have the opportunity to start teaching lessons on the side and forming a band to play gigs. I know that he would never have done this on his own. he would have always felt the need to provide for us, and stayed at a job he hated.
God will make it work for you, if you trust in Him. It is an area I struggle with, as I am a planner. I like to know my future. But I have peace with this as I know this is all God's hand leading us on.
My living with less is not going back to work so I can provide a stable care-giving situation for my boys. I will be the one to drop off and pick up my oldest from 1/2 Kindergarten, and be home to care for our boys, and nurture my marriage!
Culture says a family can't survive without two incomes. Counter-culture says you can not only survive on one income but a family can thrive.
We are very counter-culture. This spring was our first experience with organized sports when my oldest boys (7 & 5) played t-ball. We all had a great time but were glad when the season was over. Having every Thursday night and Saturday committed for 2 months got old pretty quick. We'll probably do it again but I'm in no rush to commit us to extracurricular activities any time soon.
Culture says 500 channels is expected, with multiple t.v.s around the house and in each bedroom. Less is better. We have one t.v. with 5 stations in a common area that can be seen 2 rooms away, no cable or satellite, mostly pre-approved movies. that means i see my kids face to face more and they can't hide in their bedrooms all day. i know what they see and what they are doing with their friends.