I recently heard a commentator say that scientists have determined that this may be one of the first generations of kids who may not have the same life expectancy as their parents.  

Why?  Because of a sedentary lifestyle topped off with a fast-food diet.

I don’t know about you, but that certainly motivates me to get my kids up and moving and make sure we eat healthy meals around the dinner table!

The concept of living with less is not just about living with less money.  It’s also about living with less stress and less activities that pull us away from home and family.

Mark’s job transition in January did just that for us.  It certainly took away about 75% of what we were accustomed to making financially, but it also cut the stress level by the same percentage!   Wow!  What a difference!  I’ve told Mark well over a dozen times, “I have my husband back and I love it.”

Culture says “sign the kids up for every sport available.” Living with less counter-culturally says, “let’s just choose one sport each season.”

Culture says, “give your kids every opportunity available.” Living with less counter-culturally says, “give your kids the opportunity to play in the back yard and to be bored on occasion.”

Culture says, “climb the corporate ladder and work overtime when it’s available.” Living with less counter-culturally says, “being available for my family is more important than bringing home some extra money.”

Can you think of other messages culture sends and the counter-cultural response we can commit to?

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