This past weekend I got a lot of little jobs done: a flower bed weeded, a closet cleaned out, a bathroom drawer organized.

Often when I see those things, I tell myself, “I need to do that one day.” This weekend, I made a list of them as I found them.  When I finished a larger task I was doing or a project that I was helping my boys with, I’d “take 15.” I simply picked one of those I’ll-get-to-it-one-day tasks and gave it 15 minutes of my time.

Most of the tasks only took 15 minutes and they were done.  The “clean out the closet” job took 3 different 15 minute segments, but I had it done by the end of the day!

What’s on your “I’ll do that one day” list? Take 15 and start to tackle it!  Breaking down the big jobs into little segments of time makes accomplishment a real possibility!

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