It’s summer! And yes, it’s Wednesday! And that means I’m a day late on getting our discussion online! But hey, it’s summer!

I hope the extra 24 hours gave you a chance to read or review this really important chapter! If you haven’t, take a peek at it and join in the discussion!

Perspective: I Didn’t Do It!

This devotional deals with the times in our life where we are misunderstood or are falsely accused of something. Jesus was falsely accused. He understands what that feels like. However, He’s also our Defender. There are times that we simply have to trust Him as our Defender. “A life of integrity needs no defense.” (page 161). Keeping that in mind, we need put our effort in living a life of integrity rather than wasting our breath defending false rumors.

Chapter 11: Jesus Prayed: The Truth About Prayer

Prayer is a mother’s best tool. There’s no way you and I can be perfect parents, but we can partner with a Perfect God. Keeping that DSL line to heaven open is absolutely necessary as a mom.

But prayer doesn’t have to be “formal.” It’s just talkin’ to God. You can do that as you drive, as you’re folding laundry, as you sit on the porch watching your kids play! Just talk to God like you would talk to any other friend. Remember…He’s a friend who really understands!

  • How have you grown in your prayer life since you became a mother?
  • What is your favorite way or place to pray?
  • What is one thing that you read in this chapter that you want to move from your head to your heart?

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