Perspective: I feel betrayed

The Perspective this week deals with betrayal. We’ve all felt betrayed at some time in our life. It’s a part of the human experience. Sometimes life hurts. People disappoint us. They let us down. Jesus understands that…because He was betrayed as well.

  • Have you ever considered that Jesus would understand your feelings when someone betrays you?

Chapter 9: Jesus was Tempted: The Truth about Temptation

This chapter deals with something we likely don’t think about very often. Temptation isn’t usually on our radar screen daily…but it’s something around us all the time. Sometimes we’re tempted to eat too much or the wrong things. Sometimes we’re tempted to be lazy or dishonest. Sometimes temptation lurks around the corner when we’re around someone of the opposite sex. Sometimes we’re tempted to blame others rather than owning our own stuff.

This is an experience Jesus understands. We can read about it in Matthew 4:1-11.

  • Share a time when you experienced temptation. Did you resist or fall for the enemy’s lies?
  • Were you aware that Jesus experienced temptation? How does that make you feel about Him?
  • Is the concept of spiritual warfare new for you? What are your thoughts about spiritual warfare in your personal life and your family’s life?
  • What is one thing you took from this chapter that you want to move from your head to your heart?

P.S. If you’ve been reading or have read Real Moms…Real Jesus and you’d be willing to write a book review/recommendation about it, (usually only 150 words or so) would you be so kind to post it in these four places (just click on the words below to link to the right page)? This will help other moms find the book so they can be encouraged as well! If you post a review, let me know at [email protected]! Thank you!

USA Today: Faith and Reason Book Club

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