It’s Tuesday again and time for our Chapter 4 discussion! Reading this chapter was such a good reminder for me.

The Perspective is titled “I’m in high demand.” It looks at how many times we hear, “Mommy…” or “Mooooooom” or “Mom…” and feel like there’s not enough of us to go around. But when you look at Jesus’ experience he was in high demand, too. Everyone wanted something from him: a miracle, a healing, an answer to a question.

But Jesus didn’t meet ALL the needs around him and we don’t have to either. Have you ever really considered that? How are you doing with cutting yourself some slack?

On to Chapter 4: Jesus was angry: the truth about boundaries.

Was this chapter a surprise? Do you think about Jesus being angry very often? I know I don’t! But his anger was a righteous anger that drew important boundaries. He knew when to say “yes” and when to say “no.”

Of the 12 suggestions on how to say “no” on pages 67-70, which one do you struggle with the most? Which was most helpful?

What is one takeaway from this chapter that you want to move from your head to your heart?

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