I love the change of pace in the summer. Sure for some families, baseball and swim team kicks in so there are games to watch and meets to attend.  That used to be our summer when the boys were younger, but not so much anymore.

Here at the Savage household we do a lot of porch-sitting, drinking iced tea, and enjoying long games of Bananagrams. We garden a little bit and cook out a lot. I love that.  We run hard during the school year and we rest well during the summer.

I’m spending most of June writing No More Perfect Moms.  I’ll be posting excerpts on occasion.  I write at home which allows me the freedom to keep an eye on my two teenage boys.  I write about 4 hours a day with a one hour on/one hour off pattern that keeps me engaged in what I’m writing, but also allows me to throw in some laundry, take a walk with a friend, run my boys where they need to go, and on a good day…think about dinner before 5:00!

I’m going to match the pace of the blog with the pace of my summer and move from posting 5 days a week to 2 or 3 days a week.  It’s a challenge for me to post daily when I’m writing a book.  I have a lot of words in me…but not enough to keep that up! 🙂

A change of pace is healthy…for us and for our kids. I have one son that enjoys hanging with friends at the pool as much as possible. My other son will sit for hours on the porch with his guitar writing music.

So what about you? How does your pace change in the summer?  What do you like best about summer?


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