During this challenging season of life, God has sent words to me in many forms. Friends have texted me scripture, Facebook friends have spoken words of encouragement and life to me, sweet friends have simply sat with me when there are no words to speak.
However, there have been three books that have been particularly powerful for me and I want to share those with you today.
God’s words are so powerful. They sustain us when nothing else can. They calm my anxious heart. Give me hope for the future. They hold me accountable and a swift kick in the pants when needed.
No other book holds the power that these words hold. I often go to sleep with my Bible laying open next to me. It’s the first thing I see in the morning.
How To Act Right When Your Spouse Acts Wrong by Leslie Vernick
Let’s face it…every one of us needs this book. And every one of our spouses needs it too…because we all act wrong at times!
This book has been accountability. Encouragement. Truth. It has kept me grounded when I’ve wanted to do anything but. I highly recommend it for everyday stuff and really challenging marriage seasons.
When the Hurt Runs Deep: Healing and Hope for Life’s Desperate Moments by Kay Arthur
This book landed in my mailbox exactly six days after Mark left. Coincidental? No way. God knew exactly what I needed exactly when I needed it.
Anyone going through a time of crisis needs to know this book exists. Kay has been there. She understands. She gives power-packed truth in small enough doses that even the broken-hearted can digest it.
I have been challenged, encouraged, and kept in God’s word with this book. I highly recommend it.
What about you? Is there a resource that has been helpful for you when you’ve walked through a hard season of life?
In the past, “What’s so Amazing About Grace?” by Phillip Yancey helped me work through some painful life experiences that required forgiveness. Currently, I am being encouraged with “Jesus Calling” devotional by Sarah Young.
Hi Jill,
I also REALLY like Leslie Vernick’s book you listed. Another one I got a lot out of was “The Promise: God Works All Things Together for Your Good” by Robert J. Morgan. And I can affirm that God provides exactly what we need, when we need it. Hang in there.