It’s time for our Hearts at Home Third Thursday Thoughts Blog Hop!  This is where you get to hear and interact with other Hearts at Home mom bloggers who answer the same question. Today’s topic is this:

If you could go back in time and tell your teenage self one thing, what would you say?

I would tell her that she didn’t have to date.  I would tell her that in high school she can focus on character building, deepening her walk with God, and enjoying life to the fullest.  I would tell her that boys don’t define her and that she doesn’t have to always have a boyfriend to feel secure.  And she definitely doesn’t need to be like everyone else…she can make her own choices and it’s perfectly fine if they are different choices than other teens.

And guess what I’ve told my girls?  Yep…all of the above!

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Click here to connect with other moms, read their answer to this question, and/or add your entry to Heart at Home’s Third Thursday Thoughts Blog Hop…

What about you?  If you could go back in time, what would you tell your teenage self?

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