A couple of weeks ago, Mark was asked a question by someone that has had both of us thinking.  This man asked him to be on the Board of Directors for his life.

What an interesting concept!

Because Hearts at Home is a non-profit organization, I serve under the leadership of our Board of Directors.  They are responsible for the mission, vision, and values of the organization.  This diverse group of men and women provide encouragement, wisdom, and accountability for me as the Founder/CEO of the Hearts at Home.

The idea of having a Board of Directors for my Life is a new one for me, but I like it!  I think there is great value for this concept.  In fact, I shared it with my friend, Becky, who I would consider “a Board Member” for my life.  Becky encourages me, provides wisdom, and isn’t afraid to hold me accountable when it’s needed.  She’s a step above a best friend.

One of the things we do on the Hearts at Home Board is try to find Board members who specialize in certain areas.  Our board is currently comprised of a lawyer, a business owner, an accountant, a business analyst, and a human resources specialist.  When we face a specific challenge in our organization, members of our Board are able to lend their wisdom and expertise to the situation.

What if we did that in our personal lives?  We wouldn’t need all of those specialties, but what if we had someone who had spiritual wisdom, another who had financial wisdom, and still another with relationship wisdom?  Or what if we just surround ourselves with well-rounded friends who we can trust with the darkest places in our heart and life?  What if we really asked people to speak into our lives and we were willing to hear it all…the good and the bad?

I think we’d mature more quickly and would find some deeper relationships that I think most of us long for.

Becky’s not the only board member in my life. I have a couple of other friends who I would consider on my Board, too. I’ve never called them that…but I think I will in the future!

What about you?  What do you think of having a Board of Directors for your life? Who would be on yours?

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