Dr. Todd Cartmell is a speaker at our 2016 Hearts at Home conferences. His newest book 8 Simple Tools For Raising Great Kids, is also one of our newest Hearts at Home resources!
Every time I sit in on one of Dr. Cartmell’s workshops, I learn so much! I asked him for a sneak peek at his 8 Simple Tools book and he sent today’s post to share with you! What I love is that the chapters are short and sweet! Seriously this is such a readable book—today’s post is one chapter! Wow! Now any busy parent can read a book like that!
By the way, if you’re thinking about coming to the Hearts at Home National Conference April 22/23 in Peoria, IL, I want to make sure you know that Best Value Registration ends next Monday, April 4. That’s a savings of $30 so I wanna make sure you are aware of that!
No Hearts at Home conferences close enough to you? Check out the Conference-To-Go option!
A proverb written almost 3,000 years ago by King Solomon paints a powerful picture of the impact of words: “The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life, but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.” (Proverbs 18:21). Let’s put that into parenting terms: The mouth of the righteous parent is a fountain of life to their kids.
Ever think of yourself that way? A living, breathing, hard-working, laundry-doing, play-date organizing, homework-correcting fountain of life? Because that’s what God says you can be to your kids.
Your words can rejuvenate your kids from the inside out. They can give your kids hope and vision they did not have the eyes to see. You can help them see past their limitations and failures. Your words can build them up, teach them, love them, encourage them, and guide them. Your words can leave your kids better off than before you spoke.
Your words will strengthen your kids when they face adversity and comfort them when they fall. Your words can help your kids use their God-given imaginations to dream big, work hard, and be open to all that God wants to do through them. Your words will communicate to your kids that you believe in them and know that they are capable of great things.
Because they are.
That is a fountain of life.
Every kids needs a fountain of life.
That is why God gave them you.