In November, some of you participated in my first-ever blog survey.  Your feedback was very helpful in planning my blog posts for 2013!  If you participated, thank you very much! If you’re interested at all, I wanted to share the results with you to see where your opinions and demographics line up or differ with the other readers on my blog!

General Info: 430 readers responded

Blog stats: 13,648 unique visitors a month 2941 email subscribers 200+ RSS Feed subscribers

(The percentages below will not always add up to 100% because I left out “no answer” results for the sake of brevity.)

How often do you read my blog posts?

Daily                              39.07%
2 – 4 times a week       39.07%
Once a week                 12.33%
Once in a while              8.60%

How do you access my blog?

I am subscribed by email.    70.93%
I am subscribed by RSS feed.   4.65%
I go to the direct URL at         9.77%
I read your blog through Facebook.                       11.16%
Other (mentioned: Twitter and HAH website)      2.79%

What I like about your blog: (check all that apply)

Posts about parenting                87.44%
Posts about marriage                 87.21%
Posts about spiritual growth      80. 70%
Posts about your daily life that let me see into your home & family      74.65%
Posts about living with less                  71.40%
Posts about home organization           64.88%
Posts about taking care of yourself    64.65%
Posts about friendship                         62.79%
Posts that have practical, bullet-point action steps that help me live life better    59.07% Guest posts by Hearts at Home speakers           47.91%
Recipes                                                                     45.81%
Posts with giveaways                                              33.49%
Posts about adoption                                               24.88%

What I like least about your blog:

Recipes                                  11.63%
Posts with giveaways          10.23%
Posts about adoption            7.67%
Guest posts by Hearts at Home speakers       6.28%
Posts about home organization             2.56%
Posts about living with less                   1.63%
Posts about taking care of yourself      1.40%
Posts about friendship                           1.40%
Posts that have practical, bullet-point action steps that help me live life better      1.16% Posts about marriage                   0.93%
Posts about parenting                  0.93%
Posts about spiritual growth       0.93%
Posts about your daily life that let me see into your home & family      0.23%

Besides your blog, I follow you on:

I am your friend on Facebook and like to read your status updates.              40.47%
I am your friend on Facebook but don’t really read your status updates.        3.49%
I would like to be your Facebook friend but am not yet.                                   14.88%
I don’t use Facebook.                                                                                               15.81%
I follow you on Twitter.                                                                                             6.74%
I would like to follow you on Twitter but don’t yet.                                              4.65%
I don’t use Twitter.                                                                                                  35.35%

Besides the blog, what other elements of have you used?

Links to other online articles (found on the Free Resources page)              53.26%
Free downloads (found on the Free Resources page)                                    40.93%
Books                                                                                                                     31.86%
Jill’s speaking schedule                                                                                       21.63%
Jill’s speaking topics                                                                                            13.49%
Request Jill as a speaker                                                                                      1.86%

I wish you would lead online book/Bible studies more often:

True                               43.02%
Doesn’t matter to me  34.19%
False                                3.95%

I think the ideal number of times you should blog each week is:

3 days a week          27.21%
5 days a week          16.74%
2 days a week          10.93%
4 days a week           9.53%
1 day a week             8.37%
Note: Many put a comment that said, “I think the ideal number of times you should blog is whatever is best for you and your family.”   THANK YOU!

Which statement is true for you:

I first learned about Hearts at Home, and then I learned about Jill Savage.       56.74%
I first learned about Jill Savage, and then I found out about Hearts at Home.   36.74%
I don’t know anything about Hearts at Home.                                                            1.16%

Which is a true statement for you:

I first connected to Jill by by attending a Hearts at Home conference.        38.14%
Other (most mentioned hearing Jill on Focus on the Family)                        20.47%
I  first connected to Jill by a friend’s recommendation.                                   12.09%
I first connected to Jill by picking up one of her books.                                   12.09%
I first connected to Jill by hearing her speak at an event other than a HAH conf. 6.98%
I was first connected to Jill by hearing the Heartbeat Radio Program.            3.49%

Which statement best describes you:

I am home full time and have children who live at home.       42.56%
I work part time outside the home.                                            18.60%
I work full time outside the home.                                              17.91%
I work from home and have children living at home.               10.00%
Other                                                                                                 4.65%
I am home full time but do not have children who live at home.  1.63%
I work from home and do not have children living at home.          1.40%

Which statement best describes you:

I am married.                                  83.26%
I am re-married after divorce.      9.30%
I am single and divorced.               2.09%
I am single, never married.           0.93%
I am single and a widow.                0.70%
I am re-married after being a widow.  0.47%

If you have school aged children, are they:

In public school         50.70%
In private school       12.79%
Homeschooled             9.07%
I have kids in more than one educational setting    6.28%

Please indicate the season of mothering you are in:

Elementary School (grades 1 – 5)                     55.58%
Preschooler (ages 1 – 5)                                     46.28%
Middle School/Junior High (grades 6 – 8)      30.47%
High School (grades 9 – 12)                               22.79%
College                                                                  10.23%
Newborn/First Year                                            9.53%
Adult children                                                       8.84%
I have grandchildren                                           3.72%
I have no children                                                2.33%

What denomination of church, if any, do you attend?

I attend a non-denominational Christian church.     35.58%
Other                                                                               16.74%
I attend a Baptist church.                                             11.86%
I attend a Lutheran church.                                         10.00%
I attend a Methodist church.                                         8.84%
I attend a Catholic church.                                             8.14%
I attend a Presbyterian church.                                    3.49%
I don’t attend church.                                                     1.63%

My age is:

18 – 25         0.70%
26 – 35       32.09%

36 – 45       44.42%
46 – 55       16.98%
56 – 65         1.16%
Over 65       0.93%

My total household income is:

$0 – $30,000                   5.81%
$30,000 – $50,000       13.49%
$50,000 – $70,000       20.23%
$70,000 – $100,000     21.40%
$100,000 – $150,000   20.47%
$150,000 – $200,000     3.72%
Over $200,000                2.56%

Any other feedback you would like for me to know:

41.16%  of survey participants left additional encouraging/informational notes.

Again, thank you so much to those who participated!  Your feedback is very helpful!

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