Quote of the Week

“Motherhood is wonderful, rewarding, messy, noisy, and sometimes crazy ride, but it is worth is all.”                                                                         ~Author Unknown

Are You Comparing Your Insides to Kate’s Outsides?

I’m guessing that nearly every mom has done it sometime over the past three days. It’s easy to do. It’s human nature. Women, particularly, are experts at this kind of comparison:We tend to compare our insides to other women’s outsides.   When...

Quote of the Week

“The way we love each other is the best evidence that Jesus is still alive.”                                                                                          ~Bob Goff

I Want It NOW!

Today’s post is an excerpt from Dr. Kathy Koch’s newest Hearts at Home book, Screens and Teens. Dr. Kathy is a speaker at our 2015 Hearts at Home conferences. When Dr. Kathy talks, moms listen!  She studies kids and has a heart for helping parents know...

The Day I Started Loving God More Than My Husband

Today’s Marriage Monday is brought to us by Michelle Athens. Michelle is a Hearts at Home blogger who recently participated in our monthly blog hop.  Her post was so powerful, I asked her if I could share it with you! I would bet that most of us can see...

Quote of the Week

“Are you trying to prove you are right or are you trying to improve this relationship, because you can’t do both.”                                                                           ~Lysa...

Why Your Kid Needs Other Adults In Their Life

Last Thanksgiving, after the death of Mark’s dad, we spent time with one of his half brothers and his family who live in the Indianapolis area.  He has four teenage daughters and we told the girls that they could come over and spend time with Aunt Jill and Uncle...

How Do I Forgive?

Today’s Marriage Monday comes out of our email inbox.  The question is forgiving after infidelity, but the answer applies to any relationship where forgiveness takes place. Dear Jill, My husband had an affair with my best friend. As we are allowing God to pick...

Quote of the Week

“Comparison will consistently cloud the clarity of God’s call on your life”                                                                               ~Robert Madu

Unleash Your Power to Rise Above

I lifted the phone out of my husband’s hands. He was so tired that he’d fallen asleep in bed while texting. I’d come home late from an out-of-town trip to find him in bed. As I went to plug in his phone for the night, I saw a conversation on the screen that took my...