The Power of NonSexual Touch In Your Marriage

Mark: It was quite a few years ago when I first heard the phrase, “nonsexual touch.” I thought, “You’re kidding me. Those two words don’t even belong in the same sentence!” Jill: I remember Mark’s reaction to it. I craved non-sexual touch, but it seemed that Mark only...

Six Healthy Ways to Express Frustration

Mark: Two weeks ago, the headlines in our local paper read: “Woman shot husband over lack of attention.”  Such a sad story and an extreme way to handle frustration. Jill: Most of us have been frustrated with our spouse being distant or distracted at one time or...

Is There Really Sex After Kids?

Sex…I could go the rest of my life without it!” I said to my husband, Mark, as we drove up to the bed-and-breakfast we had reserved for a two-day getaway. “I have no desire. I’m so tired, and I can’t seem to ever meet your needs!”...

Marriage Monday: 18 Ways to Flirt with Your Spouse

Mark and I recently saw a friend we hadn’t seen for a long time.  We asked how he and his wife were doing.  He said, “We’re learning to flirt well and flirt often.” I loved his answer!  This is a couple that’s been married about 30 years!...