Mark: Two weeks ago, the headlines in our local paper read: “Woman shot husband over lack of attention.” Such a sad story and an extreme way to handle frustration. Jill: Most of us have been frustrated with our spouse being distant or distracted at one time or...
It’s happened again. Yesterday we learned of another family that has been broken up because one person in the marriage says, “I don’t love you anymore.” There’s a common misconception that married couples will always “feel”...
Jill says: Even when you’re moving forward, it’s easy to want to bring up the past. Mark says: It’s the human side of us that wants to throw something back into play that we settled in our heart or relationship a while ago. Jill says: Just this past...
Today’s Marriage Monday is brought to you by Milan and Kay Yerkovich. The Yerkovich’s book How We Love has been a complete game-changer in our marriage over the past year. It’s also changed how we parent and tune into our kids’ emotional...
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