
No More Perfect Moms

No More Perfect Marriages

No More Perfect Kids

Better Together

Is There Really Sex After Kids?

Real Moms
Real Jesus
Sunrise Sunset
Last night I had hoped to make a trip to Springfield to be at our granddaughter's school concert but I just didn't have the energy for the two hour round trip after my second shoulder surgery on Tuesday (I had developed adhesions after my first rotator cuff repair in...
Give the Gift of Holiday Freedom
We didn’t spend Thanksgiving with a single one of our five children. Did it feel odd? Yes. Was it the best for everyone? We think so. Our oldest daughter and her husband alternate holidays with his family and our family; this year Thanksgiving was with his family....
Staying Together When Your Child’s Choices Threaten To Pull You Apart
Jill: Mark and I spent some time with friends recently. As the parents of several young adult children, they were struggling to make sense of their oldest child's choices. Substance abuse and crime have landed their girl in prison for quite some time. Mark: Jill and I...
Is it okay that I’m doing the happy dance about my daughter leaving for college?
Dear Jill, Tonight I'm writing to you asking some advice, wisdom, and maybe some strength and encouragement sent my way. We are moving our oldest daughter to college and seriously I am kinda doing the "happy dance" tonight! Awful as it may sound, that is the truth...
Marriage Monday: Determine Your Love Style and Create a Deeper More Satisfying Relationship with Your Spouse and Kids
Today's Marriage Monday is brought to you by Milan and Kay Yerkovich. The Yerkovich's book How We Love has been a complete game-changer in our marriage over the past year. It's also changed how we parent and tune into our kids' emotional needs. Now let's hear from...
Living With Less: Affordable College Education
As Mark and I state in the first few sentences of our "College: Higher Education at Lower Cost" chapter in Living With Less So Your Family Has More book..."If you want to know one Savage parenting regret, just ask us about our experience leading our older children...
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Having a coach is like having a personal trainer. Instead of working on body goals, you’ll set and meet life or career goals. If you feel overwhelmed with life, marriage, building a platform, speaking, or writing, Jill knows the path and she can guide you to success!