Are you struggling with connection in your marriage? Has it been ages since you and your spouse laughed together? We get it. Life gets busy when you are constantly managing to-do lists, work, taking your kids from one place to another, and more. When your schedule is already overflowing, it can feel almost impossible to carve out meaningful moments to laugh, play, and bond with your spouse.
That’s why Mark and I are discussing the importance of prioritizing fun in marriage—and why finding a common interest to invest in is a great way to get started toward this goal. Having fun with your spouse takes work and intentionality, but it is well worth the effort!
In this episode, you’ll learn about:
- Slow fades that can occur in your relationship
- The value of engaging in fun with your spouse
- Why you should stay curious in your marriage
- And much more!
As we kick off 2025, we hope this episode encourages you to find time for fun in your relationship!
Resources mentioned in this episode:
My Key Takeaways:
1) Connection erodes when we stop prioritizing fun together. A lack of fun in your marriage can lead to an erosion of the connection between you and your spouse. Life is already heavy enough with the obligations of making ends meet, keeping up with the chores around the house, and raising children if you have them. Don’t fall into the trap of overlooking the importance of playfulness, fun, and laughter in your marriage. These things are not reserved for the honeymoon phase of your relationship—they’re meant to be enjoyed together throughout the years!
2) Plan ahead to have fun. There are some activities or interests that will require you to plan ahead and budget in order to have fun. Do you and your spouse have a hobby you enjoy together like golf, rock climbing, or boating? Odds are, you are going to have to do some budgeting and scheduling to be able to engage in that hobby and have fun together. Don’t look at this planning ahead as a chore—see it as always having something to look forward to!
3) Be willing to step into each other’s worlds. What Mark and I have discovered in our own marriage is the importance of being willing to practice selflessness and show interest in something that our spouse cares about. For us, Mark likes his motorcycle and, while it took some time for me to get comfortable riding with him, it’s now an activity that we enjoy doing together!
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