Great Clean Reads for Kids and TeensDisclosure: Some of the links in this post may be Amazon affiliate links. You can read my full disclosure policy here.


Our oldest daughter is 14 and LOVES to read.  She can go through one book in 24-48 hours so we struggle with finding books she.  She has a Kindle and while there are many books available for free on Amazon, we’ve not found many that are affordable ($5 or less) and that are appropriate for a Jesus loving girl.  Do you have any recommendations?

Concerned Mom



Dear Concerned Mom,

I’m so glad you asked! I checked with a friend of mine who is a whiz at good books for kids and teens. I knew she had a website called Young Book Love but I hadn’t seen it in a long time.

Wow! It’s a treasure chest for moms who want to point their kids towards wholesome reading!

Here were her initial thoughts to your question:

I don’t have specific Christian teen fiction, other than I know Mya (my teen daughter) enjoyed a Young Author series by Jenny B Jones—the first book was called In Between.

Also Ted Dekker’s Circle Trilogy comes to mind if she likes fantasy/adventure.

Mya helped me with a book list for teens on the blog. This list is not “Christian” but they are clean. Also if she likes mysteries I feel like Agatha Christie is a great author to read that has tons of books and is overall clean.

L.M. Montgomery (Anne of Green Gables) is an author I loved as a teen and her books hold up (she has written a lot more than just Anne.)

Also Gary D. Schmidt is one of our very favorite authors, specifically The Wednesday Wars and Okay For Now. So, so good!

Has your daughter read The Diary of Anne Frank and The Hiding Place?  I read both of those around age 14. Also Little Women came to my mind!

My youngest son loved all of Bryan Davis’s Christian fantasy books in the Oracles of Time and Dragons in Our Midst series.

Also, if you have a Kindle reader in the family, you might want to check out the current Amazon offer of two months of Kindle Unlimited for free. After your first two months it’s $9.99/month. With a child that’s going through books every few days, this could be very helpful:

If you’re looking for good books for the family to read/listen to together, or lists of books for different ages, make sure you check out Megan’s Young Book Love blog and sign up for her once-a-month newsletter to keep ideas coming your way!

Here are a few more resources my readers have recommended:
Redeemed Reader
Plugged In Book Reviews

What about you? Would you have any clean or Christian books you’d recommend for a teen reader? 

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