Third-Thursday-ThoughtsFingerprints amaze me. There’s not one set of fingerprints like another.

I believe its evidence of an incredibly creative God!

Personalities are like fingerprints. There’s not one personality like another. We may share certain personality traits with other people in this world, but the way we are wired is unique to us.

Learning to love our personality requires us to understand it. Are you:

  • A thinker or a feeler?
  • An external processer or an internal processer?
  • An introvert or an extrovert?
  • Creative or Logical?
  • Strategic or Innovative?

There are no wrong answers. One is not better than another.  These personality/temperament traits just are.  They identify how God created you to operate in this world…and this world needs all of us and the beautiful diversity we bring.

I’m a thinker and my husband is a feeler. I’m an internal processor and my hubby is an external processor. You guessed it…I’m an introvert and Mark’s an extrovert. I’m logical and he’s creative and I’m strategic while he’s innovative. I think we’re evidence that opposites attract!

Understanding the way you’re wired helps you to be true to yourself. It also helps you celebrate who you are rather than lamenting who you are not, a principle I talk about quite a lot in No More Perfect Moms.

So what about you? Do you understand how you are uniquely wired? Do you love your personality?

Today is our Third Thursday Blog Hop. It’s an online moms group! Click on any of the links below to hear the thoughts of other moms on loving your personality!

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