Mark: It’s Labor Day. For some of us it’s a day filled with family, friends, and picnic food. For others, it’s a day to work on home projects. And still others are just enjoying that extra day provided in this 3-day weekend.

Jill: Labor Day signals the end of summer and the beginning of Fall. No matter what you’re doing today, it’s also a good day to make plans for how you will this Fall to grow your marriage.

Mark: In marriage, we’re always growing. The truth is, though, we’re either growing together or growing apart. If we’re not intentional about growing together, we’ll naturally grow apart.  On this Labor Day, it’s important to remember that marriage takes work. It’s truly a labor of love, in every way.

Jill: Take just 30 minutes today or sometime this week to answer some of these questions and make plans to grow your marriage this Fall:

What new habit could we start this Fall to invest in our marriage? Exercise together? Pursue a hobby together? Take a walk after dinner each night? Put a date night on the calendar every other week? Spend 30 minutes snuggling and talking together after the kids are in bed and before you each slip into your own evening activities?

What Fall activity could we put on the calendar to do together in September? What about October and November?

What can we start setting aside financially to invest in our marriage? $10/week? $100/month?

When could we do a weekend getaway just for the two of us? Who could watch the kids? If finances are tight, could the kids go to friends or grandparents and we do a “getaway” at home?

We’ve been answering some of these questions and here are some of our plans:

Daily: Exercising together (7am kick-boxing class Monday-Friday)
Daily: Praying together–we use our drive time to and from exercise class to pray together
September: attending “Fight Night” with Les and Leslie Parrott in Springfield, IL
October: Day of motorcycle riding with friends
Financially: saving for a week in Florida in January

The fall routines are slipping into place. What will YOU do to make sure your marriage has some intentional growing routines as well? 

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