Last week we talked about what to do when you don’t want to invest in your broken marriage. Through email and comments on the post, there were several resource suggestions that I wanted to share today. Some I was familiar with and some were brand new to me.
Dusty shared about the “Love Worth Fighting For” marriage event. If you click through to the link and click on “tickets” you’ll see the dates for their upcoming events. This event features Kirk Cameron who was the main character in the Fireproof movie I mentioned last week. I wasn’t familiar with this event, but was glad that Dusty introduced me to it!
Susan said the book Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs was transforming for her.
I also heartily recommend The God Empowered Wife by Karen Haught. Love, love, love this book!
A discussion on marriage resources would be incomplete without mentioning the Family Life Marriage Conferences. They have several event options including conferences for blended families.
What about you? Would you add any other resources that have been helpful for your marriage? You can share your suggestions as a comment on this post here!
We weren’t able to attend the Love Worth Fighting For event, but purchased the DVD online and watched it together at home. I highly recommend listening to this message!
Hollie, so good to know! Thank you for the recommendation!
Jimmy and Karen from Marriage Today is another good marriage resource… TV, CD, DVD’s, workshops and books available. Their ministry is awesome…and Jimmy speaks to the ears of both husbands and wives… Check them out!
Good to know!
I second the Love and Respect book. We are actually doing a class at our church, and I would say it’s almost life changing. SO good, and so helpful to understand the differences between men and women. Another good reminder that we are not alone and that everyone experiences trouble in their marriage.
“Power of a Praying Wife” by Stormie Omartian and “A Woman After God’s Own Heart” by Elizabeth George have blessed me as a wife and our marriage. Thank you, Jill and Jesus loves all of you so much!