12669606_10204939731607432_984638797133494981_nIt was our second or third Hearts at Home conference when a mom stopped me in the hallway and told me that her kids called Hearts at Home “mom school.” I loved that picture!

Think about it: Motherhood is the most important job we’ll ever have and we’re the least prepared for it!  When I started Hearts at Home, it was because I felt better equipped to be a music teacher (which is what I went to college for!) than I was to be a mother (which is what I was doing full-time at that time!)

Moms need encouragement in marriage, parenting, personal growth, spiritual growth, self-care, and more! We need to be reminded that what we do at home matters. We need valuable perspective that helps us remember why the little things in life really are the big things.

Hearts at Home resources are for EVERY MOM in EVERY SEASON OF MOTHERHOOD! Not just when your kids are little, but also when they’re teens and adults. Not just stay at home moms but also working moms.  Hearts at Home is also for single moms and blended families! Our books, our conferences, our e-newsletters are for every mom!

We still have two conferences remaining in 2016:


October 14-15
Rochester, Minnesota
Mayo Civic Center


November 11-12
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Chattanooga Convention Center

Do you or someone you know live in Minnesota, North or South Dakota, Wisconsin, Iowa, lower Canada, Nebraska, or even Illinois?  Those locations are where most women come from who attend the Rochester, Minnesota conference.

Do you or someone you know live in Tennessee, Kentucky, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia, or northern Florida?  That’s where many of the moms are from who are coming to the Chattanooga conference!

There are plenty of women who get on an airplane and join the fun no matter where they live! Grab a friend, a sister, a sister-in-law, a college roommate and get registered today for mom school at one of our two remaining 2016 events!  If the date or location don’t work out, you can also pick up a Conference To-Go which includes:

  • Conference bag
  • Hearts at Home notebook
  • Flash drive with audio recordings of the afternoon main session* and four workshops of your choice
  • Additional workshops may be purchased for $7 each
  • A few other surprises!

While we’re talking conferences, here’s a sneak peek into our 2017 events: Hannah Keeley, who will be one of our 2017 workshop speakers, is offering a free Frump2Fab online event for moms this weekend! You can find out info here and see why we’re so excited to have Hannah join us at next year’s conferences!


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