Years ago, way back in the ’90s, Mark and I went through the Experiencing God study by Henry Blackaby. To say that study changed our lives would be an understatement, and I still recommend it to people today! I learned so much about how God speaks to and guides us, and I still use many concepts from that book in my personal prayer time.

I recently discovered that there is a brand new Experiencing God Study Bible out, and I had to know more about it! That is why I am so excited for today’s conversation with Dr. Richard Blackaby, who served as the editor of the new CSB Experiencing God Bible and is the President of Blackaby Ministries International.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • The original inspiration behind Experiencing God
  • What it takes to experience God in your own life
  • How our reality changes when we see it from God’s perspective
  • And so much more!

It was such a privilege to talk with Dr. Blackaby, and I truly hope it encourages you today!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

My Key Takeaways:

1) God communicates with us. This is a profound reality that Richard covers in the book. We don’t often experience God audibly speaking to us in the same way as another person might, but God will find a way to let you know what is on His mind. This could look like getting advice from your best friend or spouse, reading God’s word, or someone feeling prompted by the Spirit to talk with you. God can communicate with us in many different ways, and He does!

2) Following God means leaving your comfort zone. This may not mean physically moving to an uncomfortable place (although it could be!) but what it does mean is that God’s maturing work transforms you. He will not let you stay in the same condition as He found you. Instead, God will ask you to do things that pull you out of your comfort zone and closer to Him.

3) Shift your perspective to God’s and view circumstances in light of eternity. Many things occur on this earth that, when viewed from our perspective, are life-derailing events. We can lose our jobs, have our car break down, or get terrible news from the doctor. What we don’t always see is how God can use these circumstances to shift our focus to what is really important.

About Dr. Richard Blackaby:

Dr. Richard Blackaby is the President of Blackaby Ministries International, author, and speaker. He co-authored, Experiencing God, with his father, Henry. Richard regularly speaks on spiritual leadership, spiritual awakening, experiencing God, and the Christian life. Richard and his wife, Lisa, live in Atlanta, GA and have three adult children and eight grandchildren.


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