Mark: Jill and I spent the weekend in Cincinnati. She had the privilege of speaking at the AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) conference on Saturday. We decided to stay an extra day since Saturday was our anniversary.

Jill: Getting away to have couple time is so important. We explored together. Enjoyed some down time at the hotel. Spent time with friends.

Mark: Our friends asked us how we were doing. They’re the kind of friends who ask that and then lean in and say, “How are you really doing?”

Jill: “We’re doing well,” we responded. “We really are!” Then they asked, “What’s making the biggest difference?”  Mark’s answer was so on target when he said, “There’s a whole lot more God in me.”

Mark: I’m trusting Him more. I’m surrendered to Him like never before. I’m pursuing His Word and truly applying it to my everyday choices.

Jill: Keeping God at the center of each of our lives is what makes a good marriage. This is what we wrote on Facebook on Saturday:

IMG_704733 years.

33 years of forgiving.

33 years of giving grace.

33 years of learning about ourselves.

33 years of learning about each other.

33 years of adjusting expectations.

33 years of growing in our faith.

33 years of learning to love well.

It’s been messy at times.

It’s not been easy.

It’s not been perfect, but God has been perfecting us through marriage. We’ve come to understand that is what marriage is really all about.

Mark: Marriage is hard. Yet, if we allow God to use it to soften our rough edges, He can form us into the person He knows we can become.

What about you? Is there any place where you need more God in you when it comes to your marriage? 

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