Today's Opportunity Plan Day 11

In this unique season of family togetherness, we have the opportunity to be intentional about our self-care, our relationships, and even taking care of the home we live in.
Sometimes we need a little vision, though. A plan. Some ideas that get us heading in the right direction.
If you missed my introduction to “Today’s Opportunity Plan,” you can find it here.

Here’s Day 11:

Your soul:
Read Psalms 46 today. Write it out and post it somewhere where you can see it.
Make yourself a cup of something hot and read a magazine or a chapter in a book you’re reading.
Ask your spouse: How can I pray for you today? Then pray for him.
Everyone outside for 15 minutes minimum each day. 
Kids: Got shaving cream? Let them play with shaving cream on your kitchen island or table. Draw pictures in the shaving cream, make their cars drive through foam like a car wash, draw
Teens: Give them the task of finding at least three older people they can do something nice for. It could be a neighbor, friend, someone from church, or a grandparent. (A phone call checking in completely counts!)
Leg lifts today. Lie on your back and do each leg individually or both legs together 20 times (2 sets of 10).
Time to tackle the pantry or your food storage cabinets. You just might find all kinds of things you forgot you had in there!
I full load of laundry = wash + dry + fold + put away! Use your timer to stay on task!
You’ve got a unique opportunity today! Use it well!

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