Today's Opportunity Plan Day 19In this unique season of family , we have the opportunity to be intentional about our self-care, our relationships, and even taking care of the home we live in.

Sometimes we need a little vision, though. A plan. Some ideas that get us heading in the right direction.
If you missed my introduction to “Today’s Opportunity Plan,” you can find it here.

Here’s Day 19:

✝️Your soul:

Read John 15:1-5. This is a reminder of why we need to remain close to God.


Any chance for a hot bath…with candles? If you don’t have a bathtub, do something special after your shower like treating your skin to some lotion or body oil.


Write a love note on your bathroom mirror for your spouse. You can use wet or dry erase markers!


Everyone outside for 15 minutes minimum each day.

Kids: Create an obstacle course for your kids to master (and run off some steam). If the weather’s nice you can do it outside. If not, you can do what this mom did!

Teens: Challenge them to set up their own obstacle course (think: American Ninja Warrior) using things around the house or in your yard. Then run the course over and over working to improve their time.


When was the last time you jumped rope? Give it a try today!


Time to clean out the refrigerator. It’s probably getting a workout these days. If you have older kids or teens, have them help you.


Purses. Clean out your purse stash today!
You’ve got a unique opportunity today! Use it well!

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