In this unique season of family , we have the opportunity to be intentional about our self-care, our relationships, and even taking care of the home we live in.
Here are your day 28 opportunities:
Continue reading the Easter story. Read Matthew 27:57-66. If you have the Bible app and you have the time, you can also listen to these verses. I’ve been listening each morning while I’m getting ready for the day. You can find the Easter story in Matthew 26-28, Luke 22-24 , Mark 15-16, John 18-21–any of these are great to listen to!
Take some time to read today.
Do a thought audit today. What are you characterized by thinking about your spouse? Begin an earnest effort to change your negative thoughts to positive ones. Our thinking leads our feelings, so take those thoughts captive!
Everyone outside for 15 minutes minimum each day.
Kids and Teens: Got some plastic eggs? If so, put fun messages in them and hide them all around the house for your family to find!
Take a walk with intervals (30 second spurts of jogging or jumping jacks).
Touch base with each of your siblings today.
Run the vacuum on another level in your house today.
Straighten/organize everyone’s shoes in the house today.
You’ve got a unique opportunity today! Use it well!