In this unique season of family, we have the opportunity to be intentional about our self-care, our relationships, and even taking care of the home we live in.
Sometimes we need a little vision, though. A plan. Some ideas that get us heading in the right direction.
Here are your day 34 opportunities:
Read the 4th chapter in Philippians today. If you’ve done all of the reading since Tuesday, you just read one whole book of the Bible! (And it’s one of my personal favorites!)
Forgive someone you have been holding a hurt against. Unforgiveness clutters and hardens our heart. Give your hurt to God and let Him handle it.
Sign up for the FREE No More Perfect Marriages E-Challenge. This resource has you take three online quizzes (one quiz a week) that give you insight into yourself and your spouse.
Everyone outside for 15 minutes minimum each day.
Plan a candlelight dinner for tonight. Get the kids/teens in on setting the table with pretty dishes (china if you have it), gathering candles for the table, etc. Talk about manners and teach the family how to put the napkin in their lap, how to ask for something to be passed (rather than reaching), and how to have good dinner conversation. I promise that your kids will say, “Remember when we ate by candlelight? Can we do that again sometime?”
Bicep curls using small weights or soup cans: 3 sets of 15
Reach out to a friend from the past–high school, a past job, college roommate, old neighbor, previous church, etc. Tell her you’d love to catch up sometime.
Time to clean out the medicine cabinet. Pull out outdated medications and put them in a box or a bag to take to a medication disposal kiosk (available in most Walgreen’s and other drug stores) the next time you need to go to the store. (I usually put those things in the trunk of my car to get them out of the house and then I put a sticky note on the dash to help me remember they are there!)
Wash, dry, fold, and put away one load today!
You’ve got a unique opportunity today! Use it well!
(Anyone can sign up to receive the daily Today’s Opportunity Plan by email here!)