Today's Opportunity Plan Day 46In this unique season of family, we have the opportunity to be intentional about our self-care, our relationships, and even taking care of the home we live in.

Sometimes we need a little vision, though. A plan. Some ideas that get us heading in the right direction.

If you missed my introduction to “Today’s Opportunity Plan,” you can find it here.

Here are your day 46 opportunities:

✝️Your soul:
Read Jonah 4. Today you’ll finish the book of Jonah!

Write something encouraging on a post-it note and put it where you will see it every day! Or write directly on your mirror: “I am beautiful and brave,” or “God created me on purpose for a purpose!”

Ask your spouse, “Ok, we’ve now been sheltering in for 46 days. Are there any adjustments on the home front we need to make?”

Everyone outside for 15 minutes minimum each day.

Babies–Make a treasure basket or box. Fill it with things from all over the house that are safe for her to explore. Try things with different textures, like wooden spoons, metal spoons, toothbrushes, Tupperware bowls, etc.

Kids–Hide some things in the house and send them on a treasure hunt.

Teens–Have your teen research another career they are interested in. What does someone do with that career? What’s the salary possibilities? What kind of schooling/training does it require?  Have them share what they learn at dinner tonight. (You are having dinner together as a family around the table…right?)

20 Bicycle exercises (lay on your back and bring the opposite elbow and knee together)

Connect with one of your siblings today. If you’re an only child, connect with a cousin!

Wash 3 windows today! It’s amazing what a difference it makes when you look outside through a clean window!

Turn all of your hangers for your summer clothes in your closet around today (so they’re backwards). When you wear something turn the hanger around the correct way. Mark your calendar in September to get rid of anything still hanging on a backwards hanger because you obviously haven’t worn it in five months!

You’ve got a unique opportunity today! Use it well!


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