Today's Opportunity Plan Day 60In this unique season of sheltering in, we have the opportunity to be intentional about our self-care, our relationships, and even taking care of the home we live in.

Sometimes we need a little vision, though. A plan. Some ideas that get us heading in the right direction.

If you missed my introduction to “Today’s Opportunity Plan,” you can find it here.

Here are your day 60 opportunities:

✝️Your soul:
Today is May 13 so we’re going to read Proverbs 13 for our daily dose of wisdom!

Did you know that your thinking determines your feelings? Push your thoughts in a positive direction so your feelings will follow today.

Send him an “I appreciate ____________” text right now!

(Don’t forget to get the two of you registered for the May 26-29 No More Perfect Marriages: Home Edition seminar today. It’s a marriage seminar you can take in your jammies! 8pm CST each night (sessions are also recorded). You can save $20 if you register by midnight tonight!)

Everyone outside for 15 minutes minimum each day.

Babies: Blow bubbles and let your little one delight at popping them.

Kids: Paint your kids faces today to look like a cat (just a black nose and whiskers will do–use eye liner). Challenge them to pretend they are a cat all day.

Teens: Challenge your teen to learn a magic trick via YouTube today. Do it for the family at dinner tonight!

Do 15 minutes of isometric exercises (Don’t know what they are? Google it!)

Reach out to a former teacher that impacted you in some way. Let them know the difference they made!

Dust your blinds and window sills today.

Organize your laundry supplies today. (It makes laundry more enjoyable when the laundry area has some order to it!)

You’ve got a unique opportunity today! Use it well!


(Anyone can sign up to receive the daily Today’s Opportunity Plan by email here!)

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