Today's Opportunity Day 74

If you missed my introduction to “Today’s Opportunity Plan,” you can find it here.

Here are your day 74 opportunities:

✝️Your soul:
Today is May 27 so we’re going to read Proverbs 27 for our daily dose of wisdom!

Read/listen to something for 15 minutes today that you enjoy–book, magazine, podcast, etc.

Ask your spouse, “What stressing you out the most right now?”

Everyone outside for 15 minutes minimum each day.

Babies: Whipped cream on the high chair try–let them experience the sensations of playing with whipped cream.

Kids: Give your child a paper bag. Let them decorate it. Then have them walk around outside putting things in their bag that God made. Then encourage them to “show and tell” what they found.

Teens: Encourage your teen to bake and deliver cookies for some first-responders today.

Jump rope today! If you have older kids, have a jump rope competition!

Do you know someone who has a family member who has been ill, or even passed away, from Covid-19?  If so, send them a note today.

Wipe down all your kitchen counters today. If your counters feel cluttered, ask yourself if each item needs to sit on the counter or could it be stored somewhere and brought out when needed.

Organize one dresser drawer today–one of yours or one of the kids.

You’ve got a unique opportunity today! Use it well!


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