When I read the book Love and Respect, I was first introduced to the concept of “unconditional respect.”  It wasn’t something I’d ever heard of before.

Third-Thursday-ThoughtsI always thought that respect needed to be earned.  What I’ve come to understand is that trust needs to be earned, but respect is to be given…to anyone…because they are valuable.

In marriage this means:

Speaking respectfully to him even when we disagree.
Respecting his differences and seeing him as a different, but not wrong.
Respecting his perspectives and realizing he brings important thoughts and info to the table when we are making a decision.

In parenting this means:

Giving my kids a five minute warning when they need to clean up or get ready for dinner.
Recognizing their likes and dislikes may be different from mine.
Speaking respectfully to them even if I’m frustrated.

I have the power of respect inside of me because of the love God has given me and the love He wants to display through me. Oftentimes, I don’t “feel” like being respectful, but with God’s help I can be!

Today is our Third Thursday Blog Hop where other moms are sharing about respect this month.  Hop around, find encouragement, and unleash YOUR power to respect!   (If you receive my posts by email, you can find the Blog Hop links here!)

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