My 50th Birthday WishI’m excited to share that four more Compassion kids now have a sponsor, bringing the grand total for my 50th birthday wish to 19!  

While I don’t like to not meet a goal, I’m still thrilled that there are 19 kids who now have someone who believes in them, and will support them emotionally, spiritually, and financially.  That thrills my heart! 

Through the two weeks I focused on Compassion here on my blog, the best part was hearing your stories!  While this will be my last post for My Birthday Wish, I can’t help but to share one more story!  It was just too good not to share!

This is from Chris in Iowa. When I asked her if I could share her letter with you, she happily agreed!


Hi Jill,

My name is Chris Pattison from Decorah, IA. My sister-in-law Heather introduced me to Hearts at Home last year and asked me to join her at your conference in Rochester, MN.

After signing up for the conference, I started reading your blog. One post in particular struck me and that was about you visiting a child though Compassion.

I have for many years sent money to various organizations to help hurting people but always felt I wanted to help one specific child.  After reading your blog posts and how you visited you Compassion child and exchanged letters I knew this was for me.

reseeI searched the Compassion website for about a week straight, my husband and I have four wonderful boys and always wanted to add a girl to the family. Our youngest son is 3 so I was looking for a 3-year-old girl.  To my surprise upon opening the website on August 28, 2013, I saw her: Resee Ciabo from the Philippines. She is 3 years old and her birthday is July 12, 2010. Our son Drew was born May 18, 2010. Drew is very petite and so is Resee, she looked like she could be Drew’s sister if she had lighter skin.

Our family was struggling financially at the time, however, I felt strong enough about this that I knew God would see us through. I sponsored Resee secretly for the first 4 months. Ever since I sponsored her God has been working in our lives.  On the 20th of the month $38 is always there, as well as more than we had before.  I really feel when you help others God blesses your family with more than you could ever imagine.
pattison familyOn December 25th, 2013, four months after sponsoring Reese I gave my family the best present ever. In the box was Resee’s picture, colorings, letters of appreciation from her mother thanking us for sponsoring her child and letters from Compassion.  A few weeks ago when we received Reese’s dental records, a coloring page and a thank you from her mother, my family looked at it with amazement.  Her 4th Birthday is coming in July, I plan to send Compassion money to buy her a present as we did at Christmas.

I would like to thank you for opening our eyes to what is truly important in life, which is helping others.  Nothing feels better than when I see the $38 go out of my account as I know it is going to help Reese.  God willing our family will fly to the Philippines some day to meet her.

Thanks again and Happy 50th Birthday!!

Chris Pattison


Gotta love when God gets hold of a heart and uses it for His purposes!  Thank you to Chris and every one of you who already sponsor a child.

A very special thank you to the 19 of you who helped make my 50th birthday special!  

I am beyond blessed. 

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