Hearts at Home Best Value Registration Deadline

The Best Value Registration deadline for the March 13-14, National Hearts at Home conference is coming up this Wednesday, Feb 4. This guarantees a personalized workshop schedule, a box lunch, and the lowest conference fee available of $80. If you’ve never joined...

Real Moms…have appliances that don’t match!

If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, you know that my dishwasher died this week. No I don’t mean my husband or children…they are just fine. It’s the one under the counter that went out of service.Many years ago when I was just getting to know how...

Wednesday’s Words of Encouragement

Modestyby Jill SavageSeveral years ago my oldest daughter was asked to attend her first high school Homecoming Dance. She was excited at the prospect of dressing up, going to dinner, and then attending the dance itself. Of course, one of the first things we did was...

New Arrival!

It’s here! Today the UPS man delivered a box of books to my house! Wahoo! It’s my new book Real Moms…Real Jesus! I am soooooo excited! This is a book with a message that I believe is essential for every mom to understand. I’m jumping up and...

Facebook and more!

Are you on Facebook? If you are, I want to be your friend! Send me a friend request when you have a chance.Also Hearts at Home has a group on Facebook! Make sure you join the Hearts at Home group, too!And if you Twitter, I’m on Twitter, too! What would we do...

Hearts at Home Upcoming Events

Hearts at Home has alot going on in the next few weeks and months! I’ll be talking more about each of these over the next few weeks, but here’s some info so you are in the know!Hearts at Home National Conference–March 13-14, 2009Discounted...

More Parenting Encouragement

Are you looking for more parenting encouragement? Hearts at Home has regular parenting information posted on the Pantagraph website. Every Sunday you’ll find the weekly Hearts at Home column that is published in the paper also on the website. On Tuesdays,...

Wednesday’s Words of Encouragement

Will You Take a Meal to Your Neighbor?By Jill Savage Moms wear so many hats: laundress, cook, taxi cab driver, shopping specialist, just to name a few. When mom is ill, on bed rest with a pregnancy, recovering from surgery, or adjusting to the weeks after a new baby...