We’ve been really enjoying our “reading thru the Bible in two years” we’ve been doing with the boys since the beginning of the new year. Tonight we read Genesis 18 and Abraham’s conversation with God really struck something in me as a...
“As a mother, I must faithfully, patiently, lovingly and happily do my part–then quietly wait for God to do His.” ~Ruth Bell Graham
I promised to post a winner on Tuesday, but I never made it to my computer. Our 18 year old had a car accident on Tuesday and my day suddenly looked different than I thought it would. She’s very sore, but ok. The car was totaled. Everyone in our house has had a...
The start of the new year is a great time to begin something new. For over ten years I’ve had the opportunity to share family encouragement with the readers of the Pantagraph newspaper in Central Illinois. Beginning today, I’ll be sharing an article...
I did something I’ve rarely done in my life on Saturday. I curled up with a book ALL DAY! I don’t think I’ve actually ever done that before. My daughter, Anne, was visiting and she had the “John and Kate plus 8” book Mixed Blessings. I...
I am so inspired! You all have such wonderful ideas! Here’s an overview of some of the great ideas that have been shared thus far:*Write the things your kids say or do right on your calendar and then keep the calendars.*Write in the journals as if you are...
“When ordinary mothers pray, extraordinary things happen.”~Cheri Fuller
Wow, already we’ve had six great ideas submitted for creative ways to keep the memories for your kids! I just love it when we can share with one another like this. If you haven’t already read the six ideas submitted, you’ll find them here. Remember...
I’ve stated before that I tend to have an “all or nothing” mindset. This sometimes keeps me from doing the things I want to do because if I can’t do them right then I don’t do them at all.Almost twenty years ago I decided to keep a...
This year’s Hearts at Home conference theme is Real Moms, Real Lives, Real Stories. We want to encourage moms to share their real hearts, real lives, and real stories. This week, my online friend Lynn shared a real story and how God used it to teach her a real...