Compassion Feels

Mark: Last night we spent time with some friends who are coming through a hard season of healing in their marriage. We spent the evening sharing with each other about lessons learned along the way. Jill: The topic of compassion came up and we talked about the many...

Just One Thing

Mark says: Sometimes in marriage, the little things are really the big things. Jill says: Today’s Marriage Monday is short and sweet.  A simple challenge to you to do something intentional to connect with your spouse. Mark says: Here are a few ideas: Send him or...

Put Some Spontaneity Into Your Marriage!

Mark: This weekend Jill spoke at a women’s retreat in Grove, Oklahoma. I traveled with her to manage the book table. On the way home, the final leg of our flight was overbooked. They were looking for volunteers to stay an extra leg in Detroit. We had both...

Why We All Need a Broken Marriage

Mark: Yesterday, Jill and I went to see the movie “War Room.” It was excellent and such a reminder of the power of prayer. Jill: It’s so easy to become lax in praying for our spouse, yet doing so always changes our marriage in some way. Sometimes...

Step Into My World

Mark says: Today we start another round of Whole 30 eating. We did it initially in January and I was amazed at how much better I felt after dropping 10 lbs and eating healthier. I admit, though, my motivation is based upon Jill’s desire.  Left to my own, I would...

The Power of Your Words

Mark says: What we say and what we don’t say in our marriage is a measuring stick for the health of our marriage. Jill says: Did you know the Bible talks about the power of our words over 3,500 times?  That alone indicates that our words are pretty important!...

Look At Me!

Jill says: Last week I was chatting with an event photographer who told me, “I shoot a lot of engagement sessions and weddings. Sometimes I get the opportunity to do a photo shoot of a couple celebrating a longtime wedding anniversary. I find it interesting that it’s...

Don’t Talk About Frustration In Frustration

Mark says: We’ve all been there. Our spouse does something that frustrates us. We react in frustration and let them know how we feel. Jill says: Because we’re frustrated, we come across very strongly in our communication. Our spouse responds to our strong...

7 Ways to Help A Friend In Crisis

My friend Cheri Keaggy released a powerful album three years ago. “So I Can Tell” is the light that has come out of a dark season of Cheri’s life.  The songs are heartfelt expressions of a woman who has come to know God deeply. She sent one my way...

Are You Settling for a Truce?

Mark says: Jill and I heard a story the other day that ended with this line, “They could have known love but they settled for a truce.” Jill says: The moment we heard it, we both looked at each other and said, “Wow, that is a sad statement.” It...

Resolve One Marriage Conflict at a Time

Mark says: Navigating conflict is one of the hardest parts of marriage. We see situations through different eyes. We hurt one another without realizing it. Jill says: When we try to talk about our hurt, too often we both try to put our perspectives—our hurt—out there...

10 Ways To Celebrate Your Anniversary

Jill says: Last Thursday was our 32nd wedding anniversary. (Of course, we both thought it was #33 until we did the math!) If you’ve been hanging around here very long, you know that celebration has been hard won! Mark says: Anniversaries can offer a bit of a...

Push It My Way

Mark says: Jill and I were helping some friends sort through a marriage challenge the other day.  He admittedly can be a bit spacey when driving. He’ll be driving he and his wife to the store, but because his mind is on other things, he’ll end up missing...

When Marriage Counseling Doesn’t Work

Mark says: Jill and I have always been proponents of marriage counseling. We’ve talked about it openly in our marriage and tried our best to help couples know that “asking for help” is an important part of the marriage journey. Jill says: ...

So Are We Done With This Yet?

Dear Mark and Jill, I read your Marriage Monday blog, “Don’t Go Relivin’ What You Have Forgiven” and it really spoke to me. It is what I do. The one point that you made, that I would love to know your thoughts on is this: how do I know if...