How to Resist the Perfection Infection in Your Marriage & Parenting

The “Perfection Infection” is a phrase I coined years ago when I wrote No More Perfect Moms. Like most women, I had entered into motherhood wanting to be the perfect mom. Little did I know, my pursuit of perfection would set me up for failure. The Perfection Infection...

The Life 2.0 Foundation: Celebrating Our Impact in 2024

Wow. It’s hard to believe that what started as one untied shoelace has blossomed into a mission far greater than we ever imagined—a fully-fledged foundation impacting lives on an international scale. As Co-Founders of the Life 2.0 Foundation, we (Mark and Jill Savage)...

Your Guide to Attachment Styles | #MarriageMonday

Did you know that your attachment style will determine how you form relationships, interact with others, and respond to conflict? We talk about attachment styles often because it was the number one thing that helped us understand how we relate to one another within...

6 Disarming Phrases to Disagree Well | #MarriageMonday

Jill: Disagreements are bound to come up in any relationship, but they can lead to even bigger arguments as you merge your life with another person in marriage. Mark and I are no different! We’ve had disagreements over how to remodel our kitchen, how the dishes go...

30 Conversation Starters for Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday

Jill: When was the last time you and your spouse talked? I mean really talked. Not about the kids’ grades, your family schedule, or who’s taking the kids to basketball practices. True, connecting conversations that include listening to one another’s dreams and hopes,...

How to Have a Weekly Marriage Meeting | #MarriageMonday

Jill: Each and every week, you’ll find us on a Sunday afternoon sitting around our kitchen table together. This is a special time we set aside to make sure we are on the same page when it comes to our marriage, our calendar, and important tasks. (I shared about it...

How Childhood Impacts Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday

Jill: What we learn from childhood can stick with us even up to our adulthood and affect how we behave in marriage. In our formative years, we develop our belief system, our view of the world, and the means by which we cope in times of stress. Mark: As we meet with...

10 Ways to Connect With Your Spouse This Summer | #MarriageMonday

Jill: Can you believe that summer is here? The days are getting longer and hotter, and our summer calendar is already starting to fill up with baseball games, pool parties for the grandkids, and projects around our 100-year-old farmhouse. Mark: Despite a busy...

Affair Recovery–You Can Come Out Stronger!

Infidelity: it’s not something we ever thought would be part of our story, but it happened to us. And we healed. Now God is allowing us to bring hope and help to those who are walking a similar journey. If you’re here because the bottom has just dropped...

Infidelity in Marriage: Risk Factors, Red Flags, and Recovery

My husband, Mark, and I have been married for 38 years now. In our nearly four decades together, we’ve made many beautiful memories and witnessed God do amazing things. We’ve ministered in churches across the U.S. (including the one Mark pastored for 20 years.)...